The hunt

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We made it to the small village pretty fast. Quite a few people seemed active tonight, mainly around bars. The four of us split up and took a section of the village.

I ended up in the north section of the village. It was more quiet here, and I could easily see the remains of a bar fight on the street. I smirked as my nose picked up a very sweet smell.

I followed it and ended up finding a blonde woman with green eyes. Her hair was short, ending at her chin and her face was very sharp.

She was screaming at a child. A young boy who looked no older than 5. He was sobbing uncontrollably. I saw her raise a hand and hit him across the face. I growled darkly. This woman was going to die.

I jumped down and landed right behind her. I changed my height to tower over her. Her body went stiff.

She slowly turned and yelped, falling to the floor. The boy looked scared as well. The woman scrambled away.

"Take him! Take him instead!" I faltered. She was trying to give her child to me? To kill him?

I snapped. My hand shot out and grabbed her neck. I lifted her into the air. She whimpered. I growled.

"You absolute disgrace. I will take him but not to kill him. You however, will die for this." I snapped her neck and dropped her.

The young boy curled up into a ball so I shrank in size and rubbed his head. I began to hum and he slowly unfurled.

He looked up. I got a good look at the child. He had the same green eyes, but black hair and soft features. A heart shaped face. His eyes were puffy. The imprint of the woman's hand was dark. I smiled warmly at him.

He didn't say anything, just curled back up and fell asleep. I set him to the side and took the woman to a door to eat. I was done within minutes, cleaning up and jumping back down.

I grabbed the child and used my haori to secure him to my chest. I met back up at the meeting point, not even bothering to hide the child.

After about an hour, the other three showed up to see a little boy strapped to my chest, and frowned.

"Why is there a tiny human on your chest? Are you not going to eat him?" Douma asked.

I shook my head. "Mother was screaming at him and hit him. I killed her. He's only around five years old. I'm taking him to someone who will take care of him." They hesitated but nodded.

The sun started to rise and they cursed. There wouldn't be enough time to escape the village today. They ducked into an abandoned shop as I sat outside, leaning on a tree. They tried to get me inside but I simply smiled.

"There is no need. I may be a demon, but my blood is different." The sun finally rose so they had to step back inside. Douma and Kokushibo looked concerned while Akaza rolled his eyes.

"She's going to burn." I turned and the sun hit my face. I heard a sharp intake of breath as my skin seemed to glow under the sunlight.

I turned to look at them with a small smile. They were all gaping and Akaza's eyes went dark. They started whispering and I waved.

"I'm sorry I have to go. I'll meet you at our spot soon." Akaza tried to stop me but I was already gone. I went back to Uzui's estate. He was waiting outside, face full of suspicion.

He spotted me and sagged slightly in relief. When he saw how angry I was, however, he rushed over.

When he saw my small bundle, he stopped in his tracks. "What is that?" I sighed and shifted the bundle. His eyes widened as he saw the bruised face of a child.

"His mother was hitting him and screaming at him. When she saw me I was really angry and my hair was almost floating so she screamed and told me to take him and not her. I knocked her out and left her at the police station with a note and took him with me."

He frowned deeply. I let him take the child and watched as he studied the face. A soft smile tugged at his lips and he passed him back.

"I see. Let's go get him cleaned up then. The girls will love him." I smiled and we quickly went inside. I check the tag on the boy's clothing and sent a kakushi to grab more in his size.

I took the boy to the girls and they gushed over him. But the murderous gleam in their eyes as I explained was very noticable.

The girls pulled Uzui to the side and spoke quietly. They seemed to be trying to come to a decision. Finally Suma walked over as I was about to wake the child.

"We all came to an agreement. We're willing to keep him if he wants." I smiled widely.

"Thank god. I don't know how he would react to Inosuke and Zenitsu. They're both pretty loud." she nodded happily. I took the child to a bathroom and the kakushi brought me the clothing he had bought.

I woke the child and he flinched. I patted his head. "Don't worry my dear. I'm just going to give you a bath. No one here is going to hurt you okay love?" He nodded slowly and I let him climb into the tub.

His hair was heavily matted so I grabbed the scissors and gently clipped away, giving him a good hairstyle. His hair was much longer than it looked, going to his mid back.

I pulled him out and let him get dressed before his stomach growled. He didn't even try to acknowledge it. I frowned and set him on my hip, walking to the kitchen. I took out leftovers and had him point out what he wanted.

He ate slowly before he finally looked up and spoke. "Are you my sissy?" I smiled.

"Of course my dear. There's a family of shinobi here who want to adopt you if you want. They are very kind and won't hit you! You'll be allowed to eat when you're hungry. You'll be happy." He looked up and tears welled up in his eyes.

"R-really?" I nodded and placed him back onto my hip.

"What's your name darling?" He buried his head into my shoulder and mumbled. I used my finger to raise his head slightly. His face was pink.

"What was that darling?"

"M-my name is Daku." I hummed. Dark. It suits him with his hair.

"That's a beautiful name love. Let's go meet your new family eh?" He began to bounce.

"Yeah! Yeha! I wanna meet them!" I smiled at the happy child and went into the living room. This child would have a better life.

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