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The gates opened to reveal several men, dressed in helmets and rustic armor. A singular woman stood among the men, eyes narrowing as they took a glance around the Colosseum. People cheered or boo'ed loudly, awaiting for the trials to begin, before anything could be started, a voice silenced them all.

In the centre of the tall stands, was a boxed area designated for the political ones, the emperor or subjects of the emperor. "The Colosseum has brought many hardships and although my father is not here to witness its glory, we all be witness to it. Let the trials commence!" Cheers finally filled the large area after the pause that was taken.

Each of the gladiators knew who the new emperor was; Titus Caesar Vespasianus. After the death of Emperor Vespasian, the next of kin was Titus.

Another gate had opened, other men had entered, their own armour nearly matching the ones that the first group was wearing. Different weapons were held in everyone's hands, some matching others while others being completely different.

The woman smiled as the new group made their way into the Colosseum, their perplexed and lost faces of the new surroundings had made her realize that they would be easy game.

Gladiatrix is what her form is called, it was rare to see women in gladiator battles, however it didn't mean that they weren't allowed. She had her fair share of battles, starting from the beginning of the Roman Empire when it was first founded by Romulus, and with her significant increase in strength and speed, one which she never truly showed, fighting was a breeze.

The men on the other side looked perplexed as their eyes scanned over the woman. Her armor, of course, was fitting, unlike the others, who took what they were given, so her breasts appeared defined against the metal.

Gallus, is what they were named, their general name. They were prisoners of war, caught and enslaved by the Roman Empire. The woman looked over at her group, there was only a few compared to the larger side of the men on the other side. Only consisting of herself, a Thraex, Retiarius, and a Laquearius. All of them being Rudiarii.

Rudiarii were freed gladiators who still chose to participate in the arena. The woman and the men always wanted the sense of adrenaline, even if it meant they could lose their lives.

One feature the woman tended to hide was the color of her eyes. With them being red, she had to hide this factor when being in gladiatorial fights, she knew men would be too afraid and submit to her without putting an effort.

No time was wasted for the Rudiarii to begin their approach towards the others, each of them having sadistic smiles on their faces as they noticed the scared expressions. There was no need for being terrified, all of them were prepared with essential training in order to participate, but it seems as if their enemies hadn't gotten enough.

It was the Retiarius to be the first, tossing his net over one of the others and stabbing him with his trident, blood spilled over the man's body, soaking into the sand below him. His breath was final when the trident removed itself from his abdomen and into his neck.

Following in his lead, it wasn't long for the opposing men to fall to the sand, lying lifeless on the ground as cheers erupted from the people in the Colosseum. Neither men or woman had gotten a scratch, being unscathed from the battle.

Soon they were sent out, as the next battle was to begin.

"Nero! Euge!" (Bravo!) The Thraex had announced, hugging the woman as she removed her helmet, revealing her red eyes to the others. "Cesare nos omnes novimus levis labor erat." (Cesare, we all know it was light work.)

"Well, what could I say? Being named after an emperor has its perks I guess." The man, named as Cesare, had spoken to Nero. "We also know that I have been named long before Emperor Nero had been born." The man laughed, as did the others when understood the insinuation.

It was only the men she fought with, that knew of her immortality. "I suppose that always means well with us." This time it was the Retiarius that spoke up, his smiled widened on his face as the the two looked over at him. Each threw their weapons back in the wooden crate that held every weapon needed for the fighters.

"Doesn't it always, Vesta?"

"Quiet down, Aulus." Nero narrowed her eyes addressing the Laquearius, knowing that him and Vesta, would always start squabbles over nothing. The man removed his helmet as he giggled like a child, hugging the woman like Cesare had done once before.

"Uti funem circa collum tuum." (Use that rope around your neck.) Her words were playful, although they came out with venom, her hands wrapping around her own throat, mimicking a rope.

Going down further in the hallway, the group had passed many cells, men screaming from the inside to be let out as they knew their death was imminent from someone else inside the same cell.

Looking back on the men in front of her and the one hanging onto her side, she questioned herself dearly. She loved these men as much as a friend could, when she became immortal, she never interacted as much as she did now and now she couldn't see herself with any other friends.

On the basis of her immortality, Nero couldn't recall what exactly had happened, only remembering vast darkness and pain in her throat when she had awoken. Whatever had caused what she became, gave her the gift of forever, but also the curse of a monster, finding herself feeding on humans rather than food given.

Now looking forward ahead, she's fighting her mind into making a decision with seeing if she could make her own friends immortal like she had become.

Her hand gripped onto Cesare's lightly as she looked into his eyes. "Cesare," She paused for a second as she looked at the others who had stopped their conversation to listen in. "Yes, Nero?" He questioned back, smiling as he noticed her change in behavior.

"Does immortality sound nice to you? For you two as well?" The men took a second to answer as they looked curiously at the woman. "I suppose it does. To be able to live through what is happening now and the future, would be quite interesting." Aulus answered, agreements from both Cesare and Vesta followed.

"May I turn you into what I am?" Vesta seemed excited at her words and nodded as quickly as she asked, while Aulus and Cesare took a moments pause. "I have nothing for me in this time, maybe in the future I would, so I agree as well." Cesare answered, smiling softly, his brown eye softening just like his smile as Aulus was still on for debate

"I suppose there is nothing wrong with it. Having us three as your friends for the rest of your lifetime, very questionable." The man teased, his blond hair getting scuffed from his hand running through it. "Quiet. Are you all opposed if its tonight? The process is not that easy." Each of them shook their heads and seeing as it was the end of their conversation, they continued their walk to their barracks.

Life as a gladiator was difficult, but being immortal made it ten times easier. Nero just hoped nothing bad came from turning her friends into being a monster.


hello! and welcome to unholy, if you're confused on some terms, that's because gladiators had different types, each type having a different name, kind of like a spot you play in a sport. but look forward to more chapters because I'm already loving this book.

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