𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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"What brings you here, Nero?" Alice questioned, her smile not leaving her face as she stared at her mate with adoration. The opposing girl wanted to scoff, and she did. Alice's face nearly faltered, but she didn't let the older woman's words get to her, she knew how hard Nero was on everything, so she made it in her best thoughts to keep her head held high.

"Aulus." Was all she responded, of course the woman had missed the pixie figure in her life, but she'd assume that she'd be over the girl. It has been forever since they had met and to be honest, the spiky-haired girl had been kept in the back of her mind for a while.

At his name, the man bounced up, his energy almost matching Alice as he stuck his hand out forward to meet the girl who had been mated to their coven leader. "That's me, it's nice to meet you." His voice almost copied that of the shorter girl's making Nero groan even more, she could deal with one, but two was cutting it and it wasn't like Alice would be staying in their lives forever.

"And I'm Vesta, ignore Nero, we had been against the idea of going into education but Aulus had been wanting to do it for a while." Alice hummed and smiled at the dark brunette, he was very handsome in her eyes but she'd rather look at the features of the angry female gladiator. "It's very nice to meet you two and I don't mind Nero. All of us have our emotions."

Said girl had clenched her jaw, she hadn't any idea what she was insinuating and didn't want to stick around to find out, so she made it in her best offer to convince Cesare to pick them up from school and if not all of them, then just her.

The man had accepted rather quickly, but knowing that Aulus would want to stick it out for the rest of the day, meaning Vesta would stay with him, he had just decided on getting Nero out based on her general complaints.

"Nero, you never told us she was awesome to be around." That moment that Aulus had spoken to her about Alice, was the moment Nero was close to losing it, she no longer could handle the fawning over her mate by her coven members, as well as the longing look the bubbly girl gave her. But it seemed time was on her side, Cesare had called the school, informing them that Nero had some type of doctor's appointment to attend, so she would miss out on the rest of school.

They had promptly called her away from her class, leaving her two coven members confused and her mate a little hurt, but she didn't have time to dwell on it as she was quickly out of the classroom before they could even call her name. "Thank, Juno..." She mumbled under her breath, seeing Caroline's familiar figure sitting in the driver's seat.

"What happened?" She quickly responded, hearing the bless the girl had given her. "Later, I need to eat, please." The older girl was pleading, her voice showing extreme signs of anxiety and Caroline was quick to pull the car away and towards a city not too far by.

It wasn't too long till the brunette had found her victim, casting away their life like the ones she had done before. The sense of adrenaline filling her veins as she watched the life leave the person's eyes. She was a killer, a murderer and she gratefully accepted it.

Not being one to kill and tell, Nero kept silent on their way back to the house they had, eyes wondering over the scenery but not being too keen on the repetitive forest that grew around them like wildfire.

The coven leader hated the forest, she hated anything that remind her of her human life and being in a barbaric setting with huts instead of buildings, made her hate any forest. She'd wish she was killed instead of giving her this life. years of her life had passed with no change of her future.

She had met Alice before, yes, but even the slightest bit of attraction towards that bond hadn't changed her mind on the factor of her ever-boring life long existence. Nero wanted so desperately to end it, put the truth on a pedestal and be subjected to countless amounts of torture until leading her till her very death.

Aulus was right before, moving around from place to place, it held no real sense of home and it just added to the loathing fact of their entirety. Schooling and stupid education wasn't going to bring that factor down, it only seemed it would make it worse. If they continue to choose this lifestyle where they would have to change school every so often, the constant repetition of the government's education, no matter where, would just be an addition of questions screaming in her mind, asking and pleading as to why she was still alive.

Did killing ease her mind off of her slow downhill into insanity; yes. Seeing life fade away from a human's eyes as their soul was beginning to be taken away by the fates and into the hands of the underworld or overworld gave her a small sliver of hope that she would reach that point in her life and, with open arms, be taken away into some form of purgatory or afterlife that she so desperately deserves.

She wanted that, maybe she could get it.


short chapter but i have been busy with my semester starting, hope y'all understand. as always, hope you guys are doing well and enjoyed the chapter. 

𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐲; 𝐚. 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now