𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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"It seems like the Cullens are taking over the new students," Jessica mumbled when her eyes crossed over to the trio, Alice walking them towards her family.

Nero's eyebrow raised as she heard the spite in the girl's voice, opting to shake her head instead of confronting her.

'Maybe she'd make a great snack.' Nero thought, a smirk on her face as she could imagine the girl begging for her life with promises that would mean nothing to Nero.

Edward heard this, unfortunately, and relayed the information back to Alice. The pixie's smile faltered and as she looked at Nero, her frown became bigger.

When they reached the table, Alice smiled once again, introducing Nero to her family. Her voice was bubbly the entire time as her smile widened.

"This is Nero!" Alice started, posturing her hands as a big reveal to her siblings. "Nero, this is Jasper," The boy, Alice introduced nodded his head towards Nero. "That is Emmett." Her finger went over to another boy who Nero thought was built like a gladiator.

"Hey there. Nice to meet you." Emmett's smile was wide as he waved his hand.

"Next to him is Rosalie."

The blonde next to Emmett mimicked Jasper's reaction.

"And finally," Alice paused turning around to look at the table Jessica Stanley was at and pointed over at a bronze-haired boy sitting with his back towards them. "That is Edward. He is currently preoccupied but you'll be able to meet him at a later date."

After the introductions were through, Alice sat down and motioned to the empty chairs around them. The two boys sat first and began conversing with Emmett and Jasper.

Nero, however, looked like a fish out of water. Her body posture was the complete opposite of comfortable and her eyebrow rose with confusion. Luckily, the Cullens were equipped with a gift that would help the older woman with that.

Feeling a sense of relief cast over her, Nero finally sat down. Alice turned to her and spoke lowly. "I'm sure you can assume, no killing any the humans around here. Especially the ones that are currently here."

Nodding her head, Nero agreed. She knew that she wouldn't be allowed to kill anyone here and her sadistic thoughts were only that. Thoughts.

The rest of the time they were sitting there, Nero hadn't spoken a word but instead focused on listening to the conversations the Cullens and her coven having. Her eyes focused keenly on the way Aulus' eyes seemed to brighten when talking to Jasper and the smile he'd get when they shared a joke.

"Hmm..." Nero hummed to herself and as the bell rang, she stood up from the plastic chair. Alice wasn't too far behind as she slid up next to Nero and began conversing. "So, what class do you have next."

There was a pause as Nero checked her schedule. "Whatever physics means," Nero said, her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes caught contact with Alice.

A small gasp left Alice's lips, her hand grasping Nero's and dragging her to the nearest bathroom. "Tell me you have contacts on you." Alice pleaded, watching as the brown color of Nero's eyes melted into red.

Nero took a second, fishing a small box from her pocket. "I do. Are they red?"

Alice nodded her head, her hand still in Nero's as she moved them in front of the mirror.

"Irrumabo..." Nero mumbled, her language slipping past her lips as she hurried to open the box in her hands.

The venom was quick to disintegrate the plastic and Nero knew that. Red eyes are more difficult to hide than golden ones like Alice's. She cursed herself for thinking this would be a good idea. A school full of humans with three man-eater vampires.

𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐲; 𝐚. 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now