𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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In all honesty, Nero didn't want to attend school. They never had a need when they were all together, except for training, but any scholars weren't needed. So, initially finding out that she was to attend school, she didn't accept the idea, but seeing Aulus' face when he got excited about it, she couldn't deny.

Unfortunately, here she sat, with both Aulus and Vesta, in the main office awaiting for their schedules while the woman sitting at the front desk tapped away on her keyboard and chewed loudly with a piece of gum in her mouth. Granted, it wasn't that loud, but the three immortals heard it louder than anyone else. 

It wasn't until the woman cleared her throat, did they rise from their seats. She held out six pieces of papers, distributing them by their names. Each of them were given two, one was their actual schedules while the other was a map of the school, granted it most likely wasn't needed due to the fact the school was rather small. 

Due to the fact that the school was so small, it wasn't hard for the students to recognize new students. Even though their appearance was a surprise to the student body, they were still being the talk around the school. "More new students? Why is Forks popular now?" 

"Why does that matter, they're hot." 

Those were comments passed around as the trio walked further into the school. They shared all the same classes, fortunately, more fortunate for Nero and Vesta rather than Aulus. The blond boy was excited to experience high school, so he thought he would be fine by himself, but knowing the other two, he'd rather share all the same classes. 

"Where are we even goi-" Vesta was unfortunately unable to get his words out as a girl and a boy had stopped in front of them, cutting him off. "Hi, I'm Jessica and this is Mike. Welcome to Forks High." Her voice was high pitched and in a fake way, very cheery, something that the three didn't like. "Nice." Nero shot back, pushing pass the two and dragging her coven mates with her. 

"What were you saying, Vesta?" The dark brunette nodded his head at Nero and continued his original question. "Where are we going?" He asked the excited blond, in which, Vesta turned around, his smile being stuck on his face. "History! Something we will all do well in." He gave his two companions a bigger smile and stopped in front of the door. 

Considering that the two came before students had even arrived, they were able to attend their classes without any delay, so when walking into the opened door, the teacher had greeted them with a smile. "Ah, you three must be the new students." He paused, going over to his desk and picking up a piece of paper, analyzing the names before deciding to question them. 

"Vesta, Aulus and Nero. Who's who?" His smile never faded as he asked them, his glasses staying perched on his nose as his forehead scrunched when he raised his eyebrows. "I'm Aulus, he's Vesta and our lovely sister is Nero." The blond man shot back to the teacher, much like the older looking gentleman, Aulus' smile never faded as well. 

"Very Latin names." He commented, shooting them curious looks. "Our father was into Latin names. Our older brother's name is Cesare." The teacher didn't question them anymore and instead introduced himself to the three. "Very nice to know. Well, I am Mister Brooks and if you have any questions on the course, feel free to ask." 

Under her breath, Nero had mumbled, "Not like we'll need it." Only being picked up from the two other men and their advanced hearing. The man, Mister Brooks, had seated them near each other, closer to the middle of the seats and continued to inform them that they were starting on Roman politics and important events that had happened during that time. 

Nero couldn't help but scoff lowly, it was quite the ironic subject considering they were gladiators, but of course she wouldn't have been able to say anything. "I don't understand why you are putting us through this." She spoke to Aulus, muttering in Latin as she spoke to the man. "Because it's fun. We can prove this teacher wrong, so much. Lighten up, even Vesta seems excited to prove him wrong. This is our area of expertise." The younger looking girl couldn't do anything but sigh in acceptance.

𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐲; 𝐚. 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now