𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Both Caroline and Nero headed to Seattle when it got dark enough. The sun no longer had its warmth as the moon was quick to replace it, but it wasn't like the sun ever really reached Washington.

Caroline and Nero walked side by side on the poorly lit sidewalk. Caroline's heels were loud against the concrete, reverberating against the brick walls they were surrounded by. It took no time till the duo were introduced to their meals as two men approached them from behind.

The women rolled their eyes as they heard the familiar whistling men would give them, however, they continued their light conversation as they progressed further into the alleyway. 

Nero furrowed her eyebrows as she felt a strong weight on her shoulder, turning around to face one of the men who placed his hand on her.

"Did he really touch you?" Caroline's voice was sarcastic, her face showing immense disdain towards the men and her eyes glowing brighter in the poorly lit area. Unfortunately, the men had no time to run as Nero and Caroline quickly bit into their necks.

Nero's hand gripped one of the men's hair, tangling her fingers into his locks for better grip, feeling as if the man was attempting to leave her grasp.

Her teeth bit into the man's skin, a scream rippling through the calm atmosphere as the venom began entering his system. His screams died out in his throat as the life began leaving his body.

It wasn't too long before the two were done, smiling happily at each other as they satisfied their hunger.

The bodies lay still against the pavement and Nero couldn't help but feel the same adrenaline she got from killing. Ever since she was turned into an immortal, the sense of killing whether it be from her gladiatorial fights or from hunting her prey, would bring a rush into her unmoving blood.

"It's always so nice to see lifelessness from disgusting creatures," Nero spoke, her teeth shining brightly with the red liquid that was drained from a once living body. 

"Wanna go for round two?" Caroline shot back, smiling just as brightly as Nero.

It wasn't long till they found their next set, but instead of the two they usually got, it was four men this time. "Looks like we have a group, who do you want me to take?" Nero questioned Caroline, laughing as the woman gave her response with her hand. 

"Always the tall ones..." Nero mumbled, her smile getting bigger as they rounded a corner.

"Hey, boys..." Caroline trailed off, catching the attention of them. Their eyes watched Caroline's body as she strutted towards them.

Nero couldn't help but shake her head, just the action made her gag internally. 

Caroline didn't give them a second to awe as she grabbed one of the men by his neck and sunk her teeth into another man. Nero wasted no time in following her footsteps as she watched the other two men try to run. 

"Sorry, but I don't play cat and mouse," Nero whispered, clicking her tongue before repeating Caroline's actions. 

When they finished, Caroline shrugged her shoulders before picking up the two men she killed. 

"Where are we dumping these sad excuses for humans?" She asked Nero, as she hoisted the second body over her other shoulder. 

"We could take them to Canada?" 

"Too far, pick somewhere closer." 

Nero rolled her eyes before looking at the dumpster to her right. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐲; 𝐚. 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now