𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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The process in changing the three took months, Nero had no idea how things would work and she was very skeptical. But after figuring time separation between turning them, she understood that after a month, another one would be changed. Seeing as Vesta was the most excited for the transformation, he was the one to go first. Nero had warned the other two men to stay away for the time being and when Vesta underwent his transformation, not wanting to risk their lives as the unbearable thirst hit his throat harshly. 

When it was Aulus' turn to change, Vesta had no problem controlling himself around the the two, expressing how he couldn't be enticed by their blood and in turn told Aulus how fun it was to be immortal. Seeing how excited Vesta was, Aulus had no problem in accepting the fact that he would be immortal as well. It was a painful process, one that he ends up documenting his his notebook when it was completed. 

Unfortunately, Aulus didn't have the same reaction to blood like Vesta did, instead he was almost uncontrollable, but with a little convincing from Nero, he was able to shape himself into feeding normally. This did mean that Cesare would have to wait longer for his transformation, considering that Aulus was unstable, Nero couldn't risk having the man devouring their friend. 

Late in Maius, Nero was able to start Cesare into becoming immortal, nearly three months after Aulus' change. Cesare seemed to be similar in turns of thirst like Aulus, he was unable to control it around the prisoners that they faced and ended up finishing them off one by one without the other three helping him. The Roman civilians had no issues watching him, finding his strength absolutely incredible and finding entertainment in the gladiatorial fights, even if ten men were taken down by a single one. 

One late evening though, the three men were curious on the age of Nero and how she became an immortal. Even though they were in their early twenties, the men still had the curiosity like three - year olds. "Nero, when did you become who you are now. How?" At Cesare's words, the girl flinched, although she had been alive for longer than the men and had the experience of the past world, she still held the mentality of a nineteen year old. 

She remembers the day like it was yesterday, although she tried to convince her mind that she didn't remember a single thing, she remembered the absolute pain she had went through and how it didn't subside for five days. "I lived in Dacia." The three men furrowed their eyebrows, they had no education, or at least Aulus and Vesta, and were extremely perplexed on the girl's use of words in geography. 

She laughed at this, her shoulders shaking, the confusion relieving the slight nervousness she started to experience. "I was not born here in Roma, I lived more Orientem (East). Land that once belonged to my people are now owned by the Romani." Cesare cleared his throat uncomfortable. Out of everyone who became a Gladiator, he was actually from Rome. so to say he felt guilty was a slight understatement. But before saying anything, Nero continued her story. 

"I was nineteen when it happened. My vir had left to fight in a small battle that was occurring with a residing state." (Husband.)

At her words, the men were surprised to hear that she had a husband, although it wasn't uncommon, but the Nero that they knew, surely wouldn't tolerate being handed off to a man. "Yes, I had a husband, fatui." (Idiots.) 

"We were not in love, it was a platonic friendship that we had since we were children and seeing as he was one of the best warriors in our state, there was no issue in us marrying." Nero truly loved her husband, although it was platonic, the man that she married was her best friend, her partner in crime and her mentor. "When he left, I was out gathering food in a morning, weeks after he left, and a sudden blackness had faded my mind and vision and the one thing I remember is the pain that I felt but another was a flash of white. My husband had returned home two days after the my blackout and in hearing my screams, he raced into our home." Nero paused, reminiscing her past was something she had rarely done and she knew that it would cause some pain in her dead heart. 

𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐲; 𝐚. 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now