Day Before Tour

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(tiktok reference): "you go on tour with harry pt. 1" @/horansprincess

y/n's pov




Harry and I wanted to get some food before leaving so went to his favorite restaurant in LA because he claims he's gonna miss it soooo much. Emphasis on the 'so'. I'm sitting outside while he goes in and orders our food. (insta story)

"For you my darling." Harry says, handing me my bowl of alfredo pasta with extra white sauce.

"Thanks, H." I reply, taking out my fork and taking a bite of my food.

We make small talk about the tour and what he plans on doing along the way and I can't help but adore the big smile he has while talking. He's the most passionate person I've ever met and it makes me love him even more. He talks about his 'Pleasing' line and how he's excited to release that as well.

Harry good a multitasking and he knows how to schedule things to where they all work out. If I was Harry, I'd be stressed out. Going all over the country, getting small breaks and releasing a line is definitely not for the faint of heart.

I know Harry will pull this off. It's Harry Styles.

We finished eating and we finally headed to his private jet so we can head to Vegas! I've never been to Vegas so I'm extra estatic to go. Harry planned some stuff for us to do before the show so I can't wait for that.  (insta story)

"H, how long is the flight?" I ask, letting out a tiny yawn. Harry decided to wake me up at 6am! Can you believe that? I get that this man loves the mornings, but it doesn't mean that I do as well.

"Less than 2 hours, darling. Take a nap, I'll watch over you." He replies. He motions for me to lay my head on his lap and I obey. I feel him place his teal sweater over me as I close my eyes dreaming about how much fun I'm about to have with the love of my life.


"Lover, wake up."

"Five more minutes, mom."

"Darling, I'm not your mom. Get up, we're about to land."

I open my eyes and see that the plane is about to land and I'm suddenly filled with energy.

We enter the massive suit and I immediately jump on the bed, because who wouldn't?

I hear Harry chuckle behind me "Darling, be careful I know how clumsy you get... Jeff and I have to go talk to my tour manager to finish up last minute details. You can head down to the merch stand and surprise some fans if you want? I don't want you to get bored and I know Mitch and Sarah are busy with their baby."

"Oooh yay, I love your fans. I'll unpack and head down."

"Alright, I love you, see you in a bit."

"I love you too, H." I reply, giving him a tight hug and a soft peck on his lips.

Harry walks out the door and I grab my luggage so I can take out my clothes for tomorrow night as well as my pj's. I then grab Harry's luggage and grab him a new pair of underwear. He only wears his underwear to sleep so I didn't have to worry about that.

As I was digging in his luggage to find his pair of underwear I felt a squared box, it felt awfully like an engagement ring box... But while I was about to grab it, a knock on the door startled me and I immediately took my hand out of his luggage. (harry and y/n have been dating for 4 years. i don't mention it til later in the book, but i think that's a key point to know)

"Ms.Y/L/N, Mr.Styles told me to come get you so I can escort you downstairs."

Phew. It's just Roger, Harry's Bodyguard.

"Alright, I'm almost done. I'll be out soon."

I grab his underwear and zip up his luggage. I can't get too excited, I don't even know what the box really is. What if it's just one of his rings?

I walk out of the elevator and see a bunch of people waiting in line for the merch table.




"Hi guys!! I'll be hanging out with you guys for a while because Harry is doing some important tour stuff." I laugh.

They all cheer and I walk up to a couple of fans who already bought the merch. I gasp at the sight of the bunnies, Harry had never let me see them and I can't believe he took Anne and I's idea about the bunnies. Anne is going to be so stoked. (insta story)

I take a couple more pictures with fans and I go up to Leilani who is in charge of the merch table. "Hey Lei, can I grab a couple of things? I've got a great idea for tomorrow."

"Of course, Y/N. Take whatever you need."

I grab a couple of sweaters, shirts, posters, and totes. Tote bags filled with merch would be a great idea for tomorrow. It'll allow people to receive merch even if they couldn't get any.

"What ya doing?"

"Hey, Lambert. I'm just packing these tote bags for tomorrow." (insta story)

"Do you want to see Harry's looks for tour? I finalized the booklet and I'm so proud of it."

"Is that even a question? I would love to see what your creative brain brewed up for this tour." (insta story)

My mind was mind blown. I absolutely cannot wait to see Harry in these. "These are amazing. How do you even do it? The suspenders, the colors, the designs are all beautiful. I just grab whatever is in my closet and throw it on. I can't wait to see Harry in tomorrow night's outfit. That's going to knock everyone's socks off."

"Babe? Are you here?"

"I'm over here, H. Harry was showing me your outfits for tour."

Harry walks into the room and sits down next to me. "Have you seen tomorrow's outfit? I was planning on going shirtless and just putting the vest on. What ya think?"

"I think you'll make everyone including me very crazy."

"Oh trust me, I have a couple outfits that I think H is going to go shirtless. He's gonna bless everyone's eyes. Anyways, it's getting late so I'm gonna head to my room. Goodnight, lovebirds" Lambert says.

"Goodnight, Lambert." He says, as he opens the suite door and walks out of it.

The door slams shut and I head straight for the en suite bathroom. I grab my toiletries and start brushing my teeth.

Harry gets undressed to get in the shower and I can't help but see light but visible marks on his neck.


"Yeah, darling?" He replies, getting in the hot shower and setting his tattooed body.

"What's on your neck? You have some sort of marks on it?"

His eyes look panicky and he scratches his neck "Probably just a bug bite or something babe."

Little did I know what was happening behind my back.

"Mhmm, well i'm gonna head to bed." I reply, completely oblivious to what just happened.

"I'll be done soon, I'll give you cuddles after I'm done."

Wow first chapter and already there's drama.

Sooo, how was that???? Did you guys enjoy it? I really hope you guys did.

See you in the next chapter, besties!

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