The Days After Harryween - 4

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no tiktok reference

harry's pov


I sat in the backseat of the car as I watched the cars fly down the streets of New York. The soft music from the radio played as the aroma of the Chinese food spread throughout the car. I tapped my foot in anticipation to see Y/N. The past couple of days without her were sad. The show was great, no doubt. I love being in front of everyone and spreading love, but not having Y/N there was disheartening.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw my bodyguard nodding his head toward my phone. "Your phone is ringing."

"Thanks, man." I reached into my pocket and saw a call from an unknown number. I knew better than to answer some random number, but my gut told me to pick it up and so I did.

"Hello?" I shifted in my seat when I heard an American accent.

"Harry, hi. It's Timothee."

"Uh, hi?" I replied in a questioning tone. Why is he calling me?

"I'm sorry for calling, I'm sure you're busy, but Y/N's not answering her phone and we're all waiting for her decision."

"Decision? For what?" I asked, genuinely confused about where he was going with this conversation. Why is Y/N not picking up? Is she okay? Fuck, I need to get home.

"Her decision? Has she made up her mind? We all want her to do this movie."

"Hold on, Timothee. I'm confused. Why is she making a decision, I thought she was doing it?"

"Oh...You don't know do you?"

"Know what? I'm completely lost on why you are questioning Y/N's decision." I looked up in frustration and saw Jeff looking more nervous than usual.

"You should ask Y/N. I gotta go."

"Timothee you better not ha-" My sentence was cut short by the ending sound of the call. He's lucky I see Jeff squirming in his seat or I'd be blowing up his phone.

What the fuck is going on?

"Jeff. Tell me what you know right now." I spat from the backseat, he's lucky he's in the front and I can't strangle him right now.

"Let's talk about this in the office, we can head ov-"

"No, fuck you. I want to go home to see my girl, but I know you know something and you better tell me right now."

"Maybe we should talk somewhere private."

"I said no. Fucking listen to me for once, tell me why the hell Timothee was calling me about Y/N's decision. What the fuck happened while I was gone?" My head was going to explode anytime soon.

"Olivia...she-uh is umm friends with Max." He took a brief pause before continuing, "He's the director of Y/N's movie and Olivia is blackmailing Max to replace Y/N."

My eyes went wide at his statement, I shot up from my seat, but was held down by my bodyguard. "Is she fucking mental? Why the fuck is she doing this, for fuck sake, man."

"She wants you." Jeff mumbled.

"Olivia? Are you fuckin serious? I thought we were done after this tour. Why is she bringing Y/N in this?" I could fucking strangle somebody right now.

I wonder how Y/N feels, god she must be so stressed about everything. I left her when she was sick and now this is happening. She had no one to talk to and it's all my fault. My hands trembled as I reached for the box of tissues.

"I- I don't know she must have done something to change Max's mind, this doesn't have anything to do with me." He looked outside the window and avoided any eye contact with me.

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