chapter one

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I'm not able to think of a fitting name, which means the protagonist will be [name] from now on.

Choose whatever name you'd like!

aight, enjoy~


It was quarter past midnight, the starry sky covered by clouds, leaving shadows and a spooky ambience in the Woodsboro forest.

A humanoid shaped figure sat down on a wooden log, staring at the ground covered in leaves, branches and tree roots. A deathtrap for whoever would run trough the forest at night.

"So peaceful, isn't it." -the shape muttered to itself, raising it's head, revealing a halloween mask.

The mask didn't seem too simplistic, still unique in it's kind. The shape's voice figures he's amused by whatever he was doing, his voice giving goosebumps as it's hoarse and rough.

"All those stars, people say they resemble us, each one unique in it's own way. One may be a star like our sun, the other a planet or even a whole other galaxy." -the masked stranger explained, moonlight making it's way trough the dense treetops, small beams of light shining upon the ground.

Until the moonlight reveals a person laying on the ground, his chest brutally impaled by a sharp object multiple times, his pupils a little foggy down to his sliced neck and forearms.

"But as beautiful as it sounds, nothing lasts forever. A stars light can diminish until it explodes, meteorites can destroy whole planets and a single organism like a human can end another humans life." -the joy behind this sickening sentence could be heard in his voice.

His gaze moved over to the persons body, tilting his head, getting lost in his thoughts.

Silence, crickets chirping, leaves rustling from animals making their way throughout the woods.

[Name] snapped back into reality, accidentaly taking a quick breather which would turn into a unforeseen cough. Coughing disrupted the silent ambience, he stood up walking upfront to the corpse, trying to stop the coughing by patting his chest.

Focused on the corpse, his train of thought was interrupted by a piece of newspaper sticking out from the corpses shirt pocket. He pulled it out of the pocket, trying to read what was written on the blood stained news article.

'Woodsboro local news: brutal manslaughter of two residents Woodsboros, both students of the local highschool' -letting go off the piece of paper in an angry manner, he tried focusing on his plans once again.

[Name] issues got the better of him.

"F*CK!" -swearing to himself irritated. How could one achieve something before he did it first?

Getting fame and attention from the public Woodsboros with manslaughter.

He took his mask off in the blink of an eye, throwing it full force at the ground, jumping ontop to break it, smashing the mask under his boots.

What was [name] doing? Why was he doing this in the first place?

The scene was shrouded in shadows again, he put on a balaclava which he had for the emergency of his mask breaking. Trying to calm himself he collected the broken plastic bits, grabbing his backpack that was hidden under a pile of leaves, throwing the shards into the backpack.

He didn't care if the police would find the mask pieces, leaving unidentifiable evidence on purpose. If he wants attention he has to get it himself then.

Rummaging with one hand in the backpack he pulled out a canister of denatured alcohol, pouring it over the body, soaking it entirely. Lighting a match he threw it on the corpse, flames were rising within seconds, leaving a mesmerized look on his face. The flames reflecting in his pupils.

Thrown out of his mind as leaves rustling was heard once again, this time it was different, these weren't footsteps from an animal, rather from a human.

Taken aback by the thought of a witness seeing him commit a crime like this, considering of what he should do to take out that witness.

Crouching, he hid besides a tree, waiting to see whoever was there.

It was a person, he was correct, but something seemed off. The person was wearing some type of robe, wearing a white mask like he just did a few moments ago, only difference being that it was pulled long at the mouth area.

Looking like a Ghost.

A Ghostface.

Panicked by intimidation he pulled himself together, he should try to get out of there, no need for anything else as he was wearing the balaclava that hid his face.

Standing up, he started to sprint, away from the fire with his backpack in hand, the plastic shards from the mask rattling inside, making a loud noise.

He can't go home if he's possibly being followed.

He also can't take off the balaclava, which means he has to stay away from main roads to avoid dragging attention onto himself. Also because his clothes are stained in blood, what seems unnatural to most people, which doesn't make sense to him.

The two students add onto the student he just murdered, does that mean the offender other than himself could also be a student in the Woodsboro highschool? But why?


Adrenaline finally kicked in, giving him the boost to get out of the forest. As expected he came to a halt on a street, rather abandoned by drivers using the main roads instead, having grass and moss growing between cracks on the concrete road.

Hesitantly looking at his watch he noticed that it was already about 1 am.

"I should be home before school starts, else Mom or Dad will notice that I'm gone." -he mumbled under his heavy breathing from running. He was a smoker, which was getting the worse of him whenever he was running.

He decided on staying near the road, hiding behind some trees and bushes, waiting until the coast is clear to leave the area.

He didn't care about school or his grades anyway, expecting arrest and deathrow if his plans would be stopped by police forces, if they catch him before fullfilment.

Waiting is such a pain in the ass..


Wohoo, first chapter rewritten! * cracks open confetti-popper *

Scream AU  [male protagonist]Where stories live. Discover now