Im gonna beat him

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Nyiea pov

How could this happen was all i thought when i was in the bathroom crying. Angie was calling my name then kelvin's he must be daydreaming.

When kelvin opened the door and picked up one of the sticks i know that he was mad. He picked me up then carried me to my room with Angie following. He laid me down and Angie was in the bed with me, i was crying so hard. I heard my phone ringing but i didn't bother to pick it up. Kelvin got up to go get it i we heard was don't ever call this number again or u will be put in a hospital.

Kelvin came back mad and agitated. the only thing he said was "im going to be an uncle or godparent anything u want i will get". I laughed he cheered up my mood. Angie already said that she is the godmother so i cant say no to that. She would rip my head off.

They didn't ask who was the dad and i was thankful of that. All kelvin said was that we have to stay away from me his and Angie parents and the rest of the squad so they want tell. I was afraid at first but kelvin and Angie was there to help me. School is on monday and Angie said that she will make an appointment with the doctor on friday. This is going to be a long week for me. After all of the discussing the squad got dressed and went to waffle house. I really wanted ice cream not no breakfest.

When we got there i ordered a plate of waffles, eggs, and bacon with a side of lemonade. We talked for a little and ate until i ran to the restroom and throw up. Angie was right behind me since kelvin could not come in the girls bathroom but he would have came. As i got back to the table everyone was looking at me confused all i said was bad stomach ache, Angie and Kelvin held up 2 thumbs to show that i was good.i felt really stupid i didn't talk for the rest of the time we was there.

When we made it back to the house everyone had somewhere to go except for me, so i just stayed in the house. I was watching tv when i heard the doorbell no one ever comes to the house unless we know them. I opened the door and saw davon, i closed the door in his face and locked the door. Wat is he doing here don't he have something to do, was all i thought.

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