Really Deshawn

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Ny'Asia pov

So after we came from waffle house deshawn drug me to our mustang then spread off. I was going to talk to nyiea about that little outburst at the restaurant but i guess i cant because deshawn already got me. The whole car ride i was thinking about the outburst, i didnt notice that we pulled up to a cabin.

I think deshawn is trying to say sorry for that little break up we had earlier in the week. He was jealous for a little crush i had before we started to go out, its just me and him and he needs to respect that .

I walked in the cabin and saw a hot tub in the middle of the room then there was a room to the left and a bathroom to the right. I was so exited i walked to deshawn and fully kissed him on the lips. We was making our way to the hot tub but i stopped when my butt reached the side of it. I was scared to scared so i went in the room and locked myself into it.

Ny'Asia babe im sorry i went to far was all i heard from deshawn behind the door. i kept crying tellin myself no. I was scared i was afraid no i cant, im brave and not a scardey cat. i kept thinking to myself. I was nervous and any other emotion there was.

"I stayed in the room for the rest of the night i could not come out and face deshawn. i couldnt, so i called nyiea and told her everything she was shocked but excited. Thats the nyiea we all know, "i said, to myself". She was happy but sound really tired she always sleep she got a problem.

All she told me was go talk to deshawn and he will understand or other wise he will not be able to have kids.
I walked out of the room deshawn was sitting on the couch with his head in his heads. he looked up and ran over to me and hugged me really tight i could not breathe which was funny. So i walked us over ti the couch and looked at him. I said deshawn we need to talk.

So after about an hour and a hf we were ready to go to sleep i slept in one room and he slept in the other, it ft awkward at one point but i got used to it.


Hai guys 👋👋sorry for the late update but i will get u guys up on the story promise
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