One bedroom

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Nyiea pov

He picked me up off the counter then carried me to a bedroom. I dont even know how he carried because it was all to fast. When we got to the bedroom get gently placed me on the bed and started to take off his shirt wat was i doing i was to drunk to say anything. He started to rip off my dress but this dress was to much money to be rippin do i just took it off only shoeing me in my bra and panties both black and laced. He looked at me with dark eyes and started kissing me.
Next morning i woke up with a big head ache i barley could move. I tried to get up but something big was around my waist. I looked to see wat is was i was an arm and the arm belonged to davon. Oh no i thought wat happened nothing bad right. I hurrdley took his arm from around me and begin to gather my stuff when i looked at the bed again he was up looking at me. Oh no go back to sleep. Hai was all he said i put on my clothes grabbed my phone and shoes and walked out the room down the stairs this place was a mess i called all the people in the squad only to find out that they all left. i was mad i only had one choice to go ask for a ride. i walked back up the stairs into the same room i came out of and closed the door i cleared my throat to get his attention. He turned around slowly and asked " wat do u want second round would be later" my jaw dropped to the ground did he really just say that. i looked at him with a death glare thdn asked can u give me a ride to my friends house his faced turned really red then he said let me get dressed first . It took him longer than me to get dressed. After he found all hid clothes then put them on we were walking out the house to his Red Ferrari. Cant i just get a break . I told him the directions to squad house. we got there 10 minutes ago and the whole squad still sleep ughh i thought.
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