Im sorry

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Nyiea pov

Nyasia took me on a shopping spree today uhh so fun. We were currently in the car going home she doesnt know that im pregnant but she will soon. I was txting davon while listening to nyasia talk, i asked davon y didnt he talk to me all day "he said" bc i was thinking about my dad.

Now everyone knows me all curious and everything so i asked y " that was so dumb of me bc he said his dad died". OMG right there i started to cry i had nothing else to say. I was lost and everything like omg so confused. So i started to ask wat happened and do he wanna talk about it but when i thought about it i was rushing him and stuff.

So i was like u wanna talk about he said not right now u can hear him tearing up i was crying yea think about it a pregnant lady crying because something bad happened to somebody else 😂😂 funny ( 👈sarcastic ) .

So when we got off that subject i really had to go pee and nyasia stagey self left me in the cat so i was just sittin there waitin for her.

30 min later
Hai nyiea i thought u were sleep. Ggggiiiirrrrrrlll now u know i was not sleep i really have to go pee and i dont like using public bathrooms so chop chop lets go. She started the engine and drove off. We were going slow so i kindly asked her to pull over so we can switch. When we switch i was driving like i was in a high speed chase never stopping hey but guess was we mad it.

Imagine a pregnant women running with a little hump over her stomach, i was running slow i thought i got somewhere. So when i opened the door i went straight to the bathroom without closing the door i never do there is no reason to close a bathroom door its my bathroom.

After i got done i washed my hands of course then went straight to bed i was tired like really tired and when i jave my baby i want it to be a surprise . So yay for me.

3 hours later
I woke up at 7 sumthin with a hand around my body i knew who it was so i just left it there. I woke angie up and told her that i havent saw her in a while. She said because jorge was out of jail, i out of all people know that means he comin after angie i have to protect her she protect me i dont give a 2 pennies if im pregnant dont mess wit family.

She told me everything i was shocked like WOW OMG shocked yes i was.

Sorry for late update so much to do but hope u like it

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