He cant be here

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Nyiea pov

Why is he here don't he have something to do other than come see me if Angie and kelvin see him he will never come back to this house again. I was so scared for him hurriedly pulled him in the house locked the doors and took him to my room and closed and locked that door to.

All he said was "i am confused why did you pull me into here". I looked at him like he is stupid then yelled. WAT DO U MEAN U CAME TO MY LIVING AREA. U SHOULD LEAVE BEFORE U BE IN THE HOSPITAL. My face was so red and i was crying from being mad. How could he come and say that to me.

All he said was " i just wanted to talk about was that night thats it not to cause harm or anything". It took me more than 1 minute to comprehend wat he said. After i finally realized all he want to do was talk oh that can be easy but wit that temper i have it can be a fist fight.

We started the conversation with a hai. Weird right. So about the other night we both said at the same time. We laughed then i told him to go first. Well about the night i was completely drunk after i drunk that bottle of vodka, i knew that i should have mixed it with something but i just saw u alone drinking so i decided to come u and make u happy and be ur drinking partner. i like u a lot since like the 6th grade but i was to scared to tell u i always thought that u had a boyfriend. every person i asked always said go ask her because u basically knew everybody and u was cool and popular. Thats one thing i like about u just to say. I know that i was stupid to take advantage of u and do wat i did but i just wanted to tell u that i am sorry for wat i did. "He said.

My was wide open and i was staring at him wide eyed did he really just say that like really. I guess its my turn yo say stuff "we both laughed then i began to talk". So i already got the lecture from kelvin but anyways, i should gave drunk that much to the point where i cant take care of myself. i cant believe that i did wat i did i should have stopped in the bathroom but i kept going. I didn't take advantage of me because i was the second person. Also i have something to tell u.

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