Best frann split up

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Nyiea pov

After that day 2 weeks later me and kelvin split up. I gotta tell you this story. Well it was angie kelvin nyasia and me, we all went out and juss had fun. Kelvin broke his phone the week before and he still havent gotten the new one so he was using mine. Nyasia had my phone and was using it and kelvin wanted it. i kept tellin him no and no and no so he called me a thot and a slut. I told him to find another way home and when he get hone he needs to get his stuff and get out . When he left i went to my car with the rest of my franns and drove to the house to pack his stuff everything was packed before he got home. He got a ride and he never came back.

2 months later i found another best frann jaquan he real nice and everything. He always there for me through anything. When he found out that i was pregnant he was a big support and was helping me when i had doctors appointments and we went baby shopping and everything. He found a girlfrann Yay him. But i really dont like her she always want him like girl no i need him more than anything.

They broke up over the summer of course ik jaquan so well now he cant keep a gf for more than a week. But he took it easy and stuff sat around and ate all day thats wat i mean.

Btw this chapter for Naomi she has been askin me to update for a while now 😂😂 but here u go
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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