FIFTEEN | an invisible string tying you to me

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When Draco clicks Blair's door shut behind him, she's sound asleep. It took her a couple of hours, but she convinced herself he wasn't going to come into her room, and finally drifted off.

He walks over to her bed where she's resting on her back, with her head turned to the window. Draco smiles at the sight of her, softly sitting down on the bed by her side.

Draco brushes a few hairs out of her face, stroking his fingers over her warm cheek. It's been a day, yet it feels like a century since he's touched her. So beautiful, so innocent and sweet. Draco finds himself to be the weak one in this very moment.

She shifts in her sleep, mumbling a few things. Draco should get up now and leave before she wakes up, but a huge weight that he knows is love is keeping him seated. He leans down and presses a gentle kiss to her forehead.

Blair mumbles some more, regaining consciousness because of the warmth on her skin, the warmth that isn't supposed to be here when she's all alone. She recognizes his scent before she even opens her eyes. "You're here.." She whispers, her heart jumping to life, pounding in despair.

"I always live up to my words, Blair." Draco says, taking her hand into his. She opens her eyes and finds his face in the darkness, giving him a look, begging him to stop torturing her. "I'm waiting for you to kick me out." Draco grins.

She sighs, squeezing his hand just to have something of his to touch. She feels so lonely—so lonely, and he's here and everything is so much better, everything is so much calmer in her head. At times, even her skin seems to cry out with loneliness, but  not now, everything is well now.

Which is why she's so overcome with fear.

"I can't.." Blair whispers hoarsely.

Draco strokes her cheek, a corner of his mouth lifting. "I know. I just had to come see you." He says. He's selfish enough to want to stay, to ask her for her heart again because he knows damn well she'll give it. "That's not fair, you know that." She says.

"I'm sorry." He says, tracing the shape of her mouth. Draco so loves her lips, and the way they feel against his. "No, you're not." She answers.

"No, I'm not." Draco confesses, leaning down to her face yet again. Blair can't move away, can't even tell him to go. "What are you doing?" She asks instead, though it's quite obvious what he wants.

Draco meets her eyes, asking her something without talking; do you want this as much as I do?

Blair stares at his mouth and cannot want anything less than to feel it. And it's wrong, it is so wrong and she's going to regret this later, but right now all she wants is to feel him all over her.

Draco kisses her lips, squeezing her hand. It feels like her loneliness is kissed away at once, yet something's screaming inside Blair to make him stop and to continue at the same time. "I'm mad at you." Blair whispers.

"Come be angry at a nearer distance." Draco says, lifting the sheets off her body, only for him to grab her by her waist and pull her against him. Blair whimpers into his mouth, losing every sense of control and wrapping her arms around his neck. This is just going to be a repeating cycle, until she's brave enough to break it one day.

Draco takes her body into his arms and puts her down on her back with himself on top, moaning in satisfaction from the taste of her mouth. He kisses her softly and gently, reminding her that not everything has to be violent, that he doesn't want to be rough with her right now. He hopes some small part of her sees this as a confession.

"You're so cold, Blair.." Draco whispers, holding her face in his hands. "I don't feel cold. Not anymore." She says, a tear rolling down her temple, but she doesn't bother to wipe it away.

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