Chapter 28

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Robert's POV
The last moments

Bella bringing Robbie in only made you feel worse, I mean how do you hold your baby knowing that they will never have their mother again. A mother who loved him so much. In an hour they turn off this machine and I've lost her forever. I have to learn to live again in a dark and empty world.

Bella is holding Robbie right by Mercedes, she places him right next to her. She's talking to him telling him all about his mom. He's never going to remember this, he's not going to remember her love her warmth, the lengths she would go through for the ones she loves.

They're here! It's time. The doctors walk into the room, they're pressing buttons and removing tubes, this is the first time in a long time you've just seen her beautiful face all clear, like she's sleeping.

Flatline....................... and she's gone.

I sit with her, hold her hand she just looks like she's sleeping peacefully. Bella's gone! She took Robbie and she left she couldn't be here no more! I can't leave. I'm too afraid to leave.

It's been 2 hours she's been gone 2 hours. The doctor walks in and I know it's time for me to let her go.

It's been 5 hours I'm still in the room and she's gone. They've taken her away..

It's been a week since she's been gone, her funeral was everything she deserved and more, people cried I cried. The flowers were amazing. People cared.

It's been a month since she's been gone, Robbie's not home yet your not ready for him to be home yet.

It's been four months since she's been gone. Robbie came home today, Bella and Raf are staying here with us to make sure I'm okay

It's been a year since you left me! A whole year. Robbie talks now, he walks. Bella and Raf got married I didn't go to the wedding but Robbie did he was a part of the wedding. I couldn't be there it reminds me of what I lost.

It's been 2 years, we left the UK it was time to start over. Robbie started kindergarten in Florida where we bought a house on the beach it was once your dream Merce.

Five years he's thriving Merce, the school call him a little genius he must get that from you.

It's been seven years, he has his first girlfriend her name is Britney! Cute kid. I talk about you everyday. There isn't a person thats come into my life that can ever replace you. Bella and Raf visit quite a few times a year they have 3 kids twin boys and a little girl, they named her Sofia-Mercy. It was beautiful, I bought them a house, I know you'd want me to look after them.

Ten years baby! Ten years. The last woman I ever touched was you in our kitchen right before you left and never came home, I'll never want another person for as long as I live.

It's Robbie's wedding day today and i had to get up and give a speech, god I didn't stop speaking about you, Robbie cried his new wife cried, I wish you were there, I know in a way you were. We miss you.

Here she is our first grandchild Mercedes Downey, there wasn't a second name they chose. It's like your here again. She's perfect Merce I mean you sent her to us. Thank you. She's my new reason to live.

So here I am, in the retirement home it's peaceful with a private pool, Mercedes comes to visit all the time with her brothers Jax and Jett. You would be so proud of the people they have grown up to be.

Here we are baby it's nearing my end and I can't wait to be back with you finally in your arms again. I've told our son not to cry when I go I've told them all no tears no sadness I will finally be where I belong and that's with you.

"Hi baby"


"I've missed you"

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