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"You always did have a flair for the dramatics."

"Dramatics?" Sunghoon's chuckle was bitter. "Is that what you think this is?"

I shrugged. "Friends drift all the time."

"We didn't just drift, Aeji, and you know that." His voice rose an octave. "I'm tired of stepping around this. It's been torture, alright? We don't talk anymore. We don't hang out anymore. You've barely even looked in my direction for three years." He stops, puffing out a breath. "And we were best friends. But then that just stopped, and I still don't know why. Do I not deserve to?"

"You don't know why?" I whirled around fast, my perplexity probably coming across as anger from the way he bristled. "You started ignoring me, and you don't know why?"

"Aeji. What-"

"You think it's been any easier on me, Sunghoon? It has not. But I've spent these last few years learning to be okay without you after all that time I spent always with you, and now that I am finally okay, you pop back into my life and expect everything to be the way it was?" I shook my head. "What, is this fun for you?"

Sunghoon's face darkened. "Why would it be?" he chuckled sardonically. "I've been without my best friend for years, Aeji, why would it be fun?"

I turned away from him again. "I am not doing this with you tonight."

"No, do it." His eyes were hard as he came to intercept my path, hard in a way I hadn't seen them for a long time. "We've been avoiding this for too long, so please understand that I need to talk about it now, while you're still making eye contact with me."

Now, I pointedly held his gaze, tone steel. "Don't you dare try to turn this around on me."

"But am I wrong?!" He ran a frustrated hand through his dark hair.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. Our raised voices were already beginning to draw a few stares, and this little spat was seriously spoiling my previously good mood. Why did he have to rehash all of this now? I looked Sunghoon dead in the eye. "I refuse to fight with you. If you want to leave, just leave and let me be."

"So I'm not even worth arguing with anymore?" He smiled a little, shaking his head in disbelief. "How bad could things between us possibly have gotten?"

"You know what?" I snapped. "You were right. Coming here was a mistake."

"Well, I'm not forcing you to stay."

"Then I'll leave."




I huffed and turned to go, stomping away in the opposite direction to get as far from him as possible. The Christmas lights and decorations that had seemed so welcoming before appeared mocking now, and I scowled at them, still fuming. There was nothing merry about today.

I walked around with a presence like a that of a dark, looming cloud for about five minutes before I realized that I was lost.

Cursing creatively under my breath, I raised my head to take in my surroundings. I had no idea which direction the market's exit was, and I was too wound up to ask anybody. Besides, I was so directionally challenged that whatever they told me wouldn't have been much help unless someone decided to physically walk me out. Damn it.

But these buildings, stalls, and even the lights were looking familiar. I frowned. Did this mean that I was getting closer to my destination or farther away from it? I couldn't be sure until I walked a few more paces.

one christmas night, sunghoon ✔Where stories live. Discover now