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It was well past midnight when the doorbell rang.

For a moment, I just sat there. Then I leapt into action, clearing away the ramen cups and chip packages and wrappers that were strewn about the couch, shrugging my blanket from my shoulders and shaking it out. I was usually never so messy.

But I'd just lost all motivation to be productive or put together. The gingerbread, while for my family's consumption alone, still needed to be decorated. And I hadn't even started on the massive cake I was planning for the party. Instead, after Sunghoon left, I had just collapsed onto the couch and continued my movie marathon while eating more than my body weight in junk food. Even I was disappointed in myself; but it simply felt like my body was finally shutting down after months of overactivity, and I figured it could use the rest. So I didn't even realize that I'd been dozing off until I heard the bell.

Muttering disgruntled complaints about having to get up under my breath, I pushed myself off the couch and headed in the direction of the front door camera to see who was there. I didn't want to have to open up just to have a bunch of carolers yell Christmas songs I couldn't escape for the past month in my face.

But the sight that greeted me caused me to rub my eyes, sure I wasn't seeing things right. I peered closer at the screen. No, he was still there.

I crossed the lobby to open the door. "Come in, it's cold," I told Sunghoon, shivering until it was closed. I was glad this December was truly proving to be a white Christmas, which was truly special considering that snowfall in Seoul was something of a rarity.

"Were you asleep?" he asked curiously, noticing my bleary gaze.

"Barely," I mumbled, blinking the sleep from my eyes. "But why are you here? Is something wrong?"

He smiled sheepishly. "Well, I figured you'd be more inclined to speak to me if I knocked on your door properly instead of dropping down the chimney again," he joked, rubbing the back of his neck.

I just stared, uncomprehending. "So... you're not in trouble?"

He seemed confused. "Why would I be in trouble?"

"I assumed that would be the only reason for you to come here. Again," I grumped. "Go home, Sunghoon. It's late; you should be in bed."

"As far as my parents are concerned, I am," he grinned.

"No," I scolded. "What if they find out that you aren't home? I'm going to get some rest; you can see yourself out." I turned around.

"Wait, Aeji." Sunghoon's hand darted out to catch mine before I could leave. The touch startled me, and my eyes snapped down to where our fingers were folded together. Sunghoon followed my gaze and promptly let go, dropping my hand as if it had burned him. For a moment it seemed like he was at a loss for words, but then he cleared his throat and dug his hands deep into his coat pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels. "Let's go out."

I reared back, brows jumping. "Excuse me?"

"No, I mean... well, this night market is really nice in December, and I heard it's even better on Christmas Eve. And I thought since you were alone and I was bored, you might want to go together?" His voice took on a higher pitch at the end, and he wouldn't look at me.

That's when, in my sleepy haze, I finally noticed that he'd ditched the Santa suit in favour of a pair of loose tan trousers, a fitted black turtleneck, and long black coat. Then I snapped my eyes back up to his face, determined not to allow them to linger too long on his admittedly attractive form. "Sunghoon, I'm not too sure about..."

"I know," he breathed. "I know. But I'm only asking for tonight. If you hate it, I'll take you home immediately, but just... please. Give it a chance, give me a chance, and then you can go back to pretending I don't exist. I promise."

one christmas night, sunghoon ✔Where stories live. Discover now