Chapter 2

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The fore guys were still talking when Shoyo came down the stairs to get his laundry "hey Shoyo wait " said Kenma  when he saw his best friend , Kenma got up and went towards Hinata ,Both of them walked to Shoyo's room while the oders boys were still talking .

Kenma sit on Hinata's bed while Shoyo was putting the clothes away "hey Sho i wanted to ask you something "said Kenma , Hinata stopped at looked at his best friend "did something happen"said Hinata , Kenma shaked his head "no really , i just wanted to ask you if you want to go to a party tomorrow with and Kuroo " said Kenma, Shoyo sigh " you know i don't like partys " said Hinata while looking at Kenma "please i don't want to be all alone their " said Kenma begging Shoyo " you have Akaashi " said Hinata coming back to put the clothes away "Akaashi will be with Bokuto his boyfriend , please Shoyo" begged Kenma, Hinata sigh "ok just because your my best friend "said Shoyo "Yay, and Suga and Oikawa are going to be their too" said Kenma , he got up and hugged Shoyo

Kenma sit on Hinata's bed while Shoyo was putting the clothes away "hey Sho i wanted to ask you something "said Kenma , Hinata stopped at looked at his best friend "did something happen"said Hinata , Kenma shaked his head "no really , i just wante...

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A/N( They were like this , but the opposite, Kenma was hugging Hinata)

The three boys got to sleep and Akaashi and Bokuto got back to their dorm .

The next morning all of them made their daily based routine , Shoyo going to art class , Kenma going to progaming class and Kuroo going to chemestry class. After that they came back to their dorm and made their homework , when they finish they still had time before the party so they used that free time as they liked 


It was 8 P.M and the party started at  8:50 , so Kenma and Kuroo started to get ready .They got ready and Kenma was ready with his switch , the two boys got to Hinata's room and knocked on the door to hear a come in , when they enterd they saw Hinata in a hoodie and sweet pants laing down on his bed while looking at his phone . Shoyo turn his head around to see Kuroo and Kenma outside the door "oh , hey guys do you need something " asked Shoyo "first this room is a mess " said Kuroo , Shoyo couldn't care less "um sorry problaby my anxiety or something " said Shoyo while looking back at his phone , Kenma camein front of Hinata and snached the phone out of his hand "HEY" said Hinata "no , Shoyo you promised me you would go to the party with me " said Kenma , Hinata sigh "ugh but KenKen " said Shoyo "No , Chibi-Chan since you broke up with your ex you don't leave anymore , go have fun once in a while " said Kuroo , when Shoyo heard that he put his head down "i-i don't have any thing to wear " said Shoyo , Kenma looked at Kuroo and both of the smirked at each other " don't worry Sho you can borrow one of my clothes " said Kenma "now let's go Chibi- Chan , me and Kitten will help ypu choose your clothes "said Kuroo while dragging the small tangerin to the close .Kenma picked the clothes for his best friend , and after minutes they finally found someting to Hinata wear 

"Shoyo your bealtifull " said Kenma , Kuroo nodded in agreement "don't you think this is too much " said Shoyo , the two boys shaked their head

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"Shoyo your bealtifull " said Kenma , Kuroo nodded in agreement "don't you think this is too much " said Shoyo , the two boys shaked their head .After they convence Hinata that he looked beautiful they got out on their way to the party .

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