Chapter 3

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The three boys finally got to their friends house where the party was , while they were at the party they found Suga and Oikawa "Oh My God , Chibi-Chan finally dressed dicente , i am so pround " said Oikawa while faking crying "ugh stop being dramatic great King" said Hinata not lookig at Oikawa's face "talking about rude "sid Oikawa "don't worry he is just mad cause me and Kitten draged him here " whisperd Kuroo in Oikawas  ear , he nodded "hey my child aren't you going to dance " asked Suga , Hinata stopped his game for a bit and looked at his mom "not really mom" said Shoyo ,Suga sigh and set down next to Oikawa soon enough Bokuto , Akaashi , Suna , Osamu , Daishou and Terushima got to the party and set down with their friends "Oh my freaking God , is Hinata Shoyo really wearing that type of clothes "said Suna mocking Shoyo "oh Hush Suna " said Hinata "but's true , never imagen you with this type of clothes "said Daishou entering Suna's mocking , Shoyo rolled his eyes for the both of the " you did a good job with mini sipider man clothes " whisperd Terushima to Kuroo.

Soon enough Shoyo notice a blond hair guy and a black hair guy "um-m guys " said Hinata , all of the looked at the terrifing tangerine "Shoyo what's wrong " said Kenma worried "h-he is here" said Shoyo but the group couln't understand "Sho calm down we can't understand you "said Daishou , Hinata breath in and out  "K-Kageyama is here " said Hinata , Kenma , Daishou and Kuroo's eyes widen .A/N(sorry on this story the three of them are really close friends , Daishou helped Hinata on his darkest time ) "Hey Shoyo calm down "said Daishou , Hinata nodded and low his breathing down , when the group turned aroung they could see the couple coming their way "hey guys " said Atsumu walking up to them , "hey Atsumu " said Oikawa , Kageyama came after his lover "hey " said kageyama with his cold tone , minutes all of them were talking minus Daichou and Hinata , Shoyo was just drinking until..

Anoucer:Ok we are starting Karoke

"you should sing Sho "whisperd Daichou "Sorry Dai , i don't know "said Hinata, Daichou sigh "please Sho g up their and let your feelings out "said Daichou , Hinata finally agree .Shoyo test the mic , that made everyone bring their attention to him "wait is that Shoyo-kun" said Atsumu "i didn't know Hinata knew how to sing " said Akaashi "i didn't know etheir but let's see' said Kenma 

(The people started to play the melody )

I don't understand how you got your hands
All up on that new mistake
Wait, which one was she again?
Could be dating all her friends
You know that they all look the same
And talk like "Take my picture, wait redo"
"Might delete it, I felt kinda cute"
Guess I'll never understand the thinking of a man
The only thing that's left to say

What a shame, baby, what a shame
Coulda been with me instead of what's-her-f_____-name?
What a shame, baby, what a shame
Had a winning hand but you threw away the game
Gave you a million chances, don't get no more
Can't wait forever, I'm getting bored
What a shame, baby, what a shame
What a shame

You pay for all her fun, T-Pain on your tongue
But I can buy my own damn drink
Don't need smoke inside my lungs or liquor in my blood
To tell you what the f___ I think
Guy's like "What's your problem? What? Why you mad?"
"You should smile, you look better like that"
Guess I'll never understand why guys want something bland
Over someone who's got everything

'Cause what a shame, baby, what a shame
Coulda been with me instead of what's-her-f____-name?
What a shame, baby, what a shame
Had a winning hand but you threw away the game
Gave you a million chances, don't get no more
Can't wait forever, I'm getting bored
What a shame, baby, what a shame
What a shame

Now it's four in the morning
What am I doing here?
I need to f_____ leave
I could say more but
The only thing that's left to say

Is what a shame, baby, what a shame
Coulda been with me instead of what's-her-f_____-name?
What a shame, baby, what a shame
Had a winning hand but you threw away the game
Gave you a million chances, don't get no more
Can't wait forever, I'm getting bored
What a shame, baby, what a shame
What a shame

With that the music ended and every aplause to Shoyo , he got back to his group soon enough we notice Kageyama and Atsumu wasn't there anymore , he though they problaby felt gulty of what they did .

"you did great Sho "said Kenma , Shoyo smiled "HEY HEY HEY , Hinata HEY , i didn't know you could sing " said Boukuto ,Shoyo chuckled a little for the white head exitement "thank you Bokuto-san " said Hinata , the party started to play "Best Friend by Doja Cat and Sawettie "Hey Sho that's our music want to go dance " asked Kenma, Hinata that was literally alredy drunk agreed with his best friend , the two small boys where having the time of their life while dancing . Hinata notice Kuroo was siting on the table quite sad but he knew what to do to make him happy again , while Kenma was dancing Shoyo walked up tp the table and set down "hey Kuroo san why don't you go dance with your BoYfRiEnD"said Hinata while drinking more , Kuroo smiled at the small orange and said "Thank you " in silend words . 

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