Chapter 4

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(Shoyo POV)

I woke up i was in my dorm , i try to get up but i had a heatch so it wasn't a very good way to start the mornig , i got up and got to the kitching so i could make breakfast , but while i walked in the hallway i saw Kenma and Kuroo cuddling on their room but i also saw Suga and Oikawa sleeping on the guess room , but when i got to the living room i saw the most cuttest thing i ever seen , i saw Akaashi-san and Bokuto-san sleeping like baby

I woke up i was in my dorm , i try to get up but i had a heatch so it wasn't a very good way to start the mornig  , i got up and got to the kitching so i could make breakfast , but while i walked in the hallway i saw Kenma and Kuroo cuddling on th...

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i took a photo so i could draw after , but while looking i kida felt a little different , i felt like i wanted to be in the middle of the two with the both of them hugging me . But i brushed that feeling off and got to the kitching to make walffles for everyone , when i was almost done Kenma and Kuroo came down the stairs to eat , i wasn't very surprised they always wake up when i am almost done with breakfast "good morning Sho " said Kenma , i smiled at him "hey Ken Ken , you and Kuroo can sit on the table i am almost done with breakfast ' i said , Kenma nodded and dragged Kuroo to the table with him it was kinda funny watching them . When i finish i was with a plate with the walffles on my hand going to the table when i saw that Suga and Kawa were awake , so i putted the plate on the center of the table "here you go , breakfast is ready " i said , Suga smiled at me " look at my baby , alredy cooking food ' said Suga " thaks mom , but i am going to wake Akaashi-san and Bokuto-san so they can eat " i said and they nodded.

When i got their they both were still cuddling , it breqaks my heart to break this cute sene but they must eat , i shaked Bokuto a little bit "Bokuto-san breakfast is ready " i said in a really quite voice , but he didn't lisen to me i keeped trying but in one of my trys he pushed me on the middle of hima and Akaashi-san , at that monment i could feel my face burning , Akaashi put his arm over me like i was a teaddy bear while Bokuto-san was leing his head on my stomach , i really coun't move so i gave up on moving and took a quick nap with them .

(Kenma Pov)

Shoyo gave us food and got to the living room so he could wake Bokuto and Akaashi . But when me Suga Kawa and Kuroo finish the food we left 6 waffles so Shoyo and the other two could eat but they were taking a long time that the walffle started to get could , i got up of my chair ' i will go get Sho , the walffles are already getting cold ' i said , Suga nodded and i walked out of the room , but when i finally got to the living room i saw Sho , Akaashi and Bokuto cuddling ans sleeping together , i gave a little smiled to them but then i knew i had to tell the others obiviously , so i ran to the room where the others where , when i got their i was trying to catch my breath , i ran faster than i normaly do "i -i have tea" i said , Kawa imidiatly looked at " what type of tea Kenma " Kawa said , i looked at him with a evil smile " i love tea " i said , Kawa smirked at ,me " wait wait , Kenma who are you talking about " said Suga " oh Suga - San it's about your favorite Child " i said that took Suga's intresting really fast ' lead the way Kenma " said Suga , i nodded and lead them to the loving room , when they got their the two tall boys cuddling Shoyo "OMG , Sho finally will get into a relationship again " said Oikawa " i know right , Kawa we need to start to plan the wedding " i said , and Oikawa smirked at me with a face I.Know " wait Kenma get the camera we need this for blackmail and to show the other bottoms "Kawa said , i nodded and ran up to my room to get my camera .When i came back i was about take the picture but the three moved signaling that they were about wake up , I took the picture quickly and got down the stairs with the others.

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