Chapter 5

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(Third point of view)

Bokuto was the first to wake up , he just saw dark , he thought he was laing on Akaashi stomach , so he got our of the covers too see that he was laing on Shoyo's stomach , that made the white hair boy blush light pink , Bokuto tapped Akaashi so he could wake up . The blacked hair boy open his a alittle bit to see Bokuto pointing where Shoyo is , Akaashi loooked down to see the orange haed cuddling him  he blushed bright red ,the two boy looked at each other and nodded , they both got out of the couch and got down the stairs .

"good morning to the two sleepyheads " Oikawa said with a simrk on his face , Akaashi knew what was coming up "just say it already Kawa "said Akaashi "so how-""How was your time sleeping with Sho " said Suga cuting his boyfriend " darling you just cut me of "said Oikawa ,Suga nodded Oikawa put his hand on his chest and faked crying "oh is Shoyo a wake " asked Kenma , Bokuto shaked his haed "no we let him sleep he looks tired "said Bokuto , Kenma nodded the two boy set down at the living room where every one was .

Hours after they could see Shoyo running down the stair like he was late for something "good morning guys " said Shoyo getting the walffle and putting in his mouth "wow wow , calm down Shoyo sit down to eat " said Kenma , Shoyo shaked his head "can't Ken i have to go present an art project " said Shoyo "just be careful my child and good luck " said Suga , Shoyo nodded and got out of the dorm and got to his art class .

While that  th boys where hanging out at Shoyo , Kenma and  Kuroo's dorm "HEY HEY HEY i am bored " said Bokuto "me too Bokuto -san " said Oikawa "oh oh i lnow what we should do , let's play t or d" said Kuroo ,"YES " said Bokuto and Oikawa together , Kenma , Akaashi and Suga just sigh cause they knew what could happen when those three where together . They all played for a little bit and got to watch movies .

" Hey guys me and Bokuto have to go work on a music project so we have to go " said Akaashi "ok Kaashi be careful " said Suga , the two boys nodded and got out of the dorms

( Shoyo's pov)

I just turn in my project for the arts class, now I was coming back to the dorms until I passed the instrumental and heard two persons their , one was playing a acustic guitar and the other one was singing , I was distracted by the melody and the beautiful voice and followed it . When I got their , I saw the person who was singing was Akaashi-san and the one who was playing guitar was Bokuto- San , I knew the melody so I started to sing with the (Sorry but your not going to see the music now 😜)

( Third POV )

The three stopped playing and singing " H-Hinata " said Akaashi

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