Chapter Eight

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Elias Salazar

   I like her. I like Alex.

   I don't know how to describe it. I know it's too early, I know we've only known each other for a small period of time. I also know, that I don't care.

   I'm not saying that I'm going to ask her out in the next 12 hours and plan our future together. What I am saying, is that I really fucking like her.

The weekend approached quickly. My body lays slumped in between two body pillows that I cuddle with for comfort.

Yes, I hug pillows to sleep because I'm lonely. No, I have no shame in the fact.

I think back to this week. All the moments with Alex, how she makes me smile, how cute she is- okay this is getting creepy.

We stayed at the park until we had to leave to pick up our siblings. She fell asleep combing her fingers through my hair. Soft puffs of air flowed through her parted lips and- like a pervert- I admired her the whole time.

I even took out my phone and caught a few pictures of her. She looked adorable. I snuggled into her lap and gazed at her pretty face with a smile on my lips.

I tried snapping myself out of it a few times. Reminding myself how creepy I was being, but a part of me didn't care. She was beautiful, I was admiring her beauty, there's nothing wrong with that.

My eyes darted to her belly a few times, but I composed myself. Can I poke it? No, she would wake up. Maybe just a touch- no. It looks so soft. That's 'cause it is.

On a serious note, who doesn't like the soft squishy pouch of a girl's belly? It's like a built-in pillow when you think of it. It's fun to play with, I would imagine. So are her thighs. They're like soft, squishy, chubby pillows. It makes her warm and cuddly- a heated pillow.

My heated pillow.

Is it creepy to think about her like that? Do girls even like it when you find their bellies and thighs attractive? Does that make me creepy? What if she thinks I'm a pervert?

Oh god, am I a pervert?

Oh my fucking god... I'm a pervert.

My body shoots up from my spot on the bed. My eyes go wide and my heart stops. Holy shit...I'm a fucking pervert!?

No no no this can't be true. Can it? I DON'T KNOW!

I stand up from my bed and pace back and forth. Okay, let's think this through. I don't jerk off to the thought of girl's bellies or thighs, I just find them cute and attractive, adorable even.


Dear God, I need help. I rush out of my room and into Angelica's. My chest heaves as I enter her room. She's going through her mid-day nap right now, but I'll face her wrath later.

"Angelica! Puta madre," I swear under my breath when she doesn't wake up. My hands grab her shoulders and I shake her awake. "Angelica!"

(Remember, he's Hispanic. So while we pronounce it an-gel-I-ca, he says it

She groans and grits through her teeth, "What the fuck you want?"

   "Does it make me a pervert because I find her belly and thighs cute and attractive and I think about poking her belly and kissing it and laying my head on it?" I rush out panting. My throat tightens as I wait for her answer.

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