Lost/Mayday emergency

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Sam and Tom met on the east of Pontypandy Mountain. Tom showed him what he found and Sam knew at that point, this was a search and rescue mission. He knew whose bag it was but didn't say as he doesn't know who is missing. Sam had to hurry before the storm got even worse. "We need to hurry. Whoever is lost is in serious danger of the storm getting to them. I'll search the forests with the Police while you take the mountains. Call me if you need assistance with Basic Life Support." Sam said to the Australian mountain rescue pilot.

"Roger that, Sam."

Just then, they heard a distant call for help. "HELP!!" They called.

"Whoa... Hold on, Tom!" Sam called.

"What is it?" Tom asked.

"FIRE SERVICE!! CALL OUT!!" Sam called throughout the forest.

"HERE!!!" The person called.

Sam pointed Tom towards the ravine by where he rescued Tom when the prince came to Pontypandy. "This way!" Sam added.

Tom followed Sam in the 4x4 as Sam drove Mercury to the location. They saw it in the distance and then they got out and looked down once at the edge. They saw Mandy was down there and she was not hurt but a little lost. "Hang on down there, Mandy!! We're coming to get you!" Tom called down to her.

"Ok, Tom!"

"That ledge is unstable. We need to get her off of there as fast as we can. Tom, hook me up with a harness. I'm going to get her back up." Sam replied grabbing a double harness and attaching it around him with his headlamp on.

"No worries, Mate!"

Sam reached for his radio and called the station. "Fireman Sam to Pontypandy Fire Station. Can you hear me, sir?" He called.

"Fireman Sam?!"

"I'm at the ravine with Tom. We located Mandy Flood down at the bottom near an unstable ledge. We're initiating our Mountain Rescue."

"Great tangled hoses! R-R-Roger that, Sam! As soon as you get her back up to the 4x4. Have Tom bring her to the Fire Station in the 4X4!"

"Ok, sir. Over and out!"

Sam put his radio back and attached himself to the harness. He looked down below as Tom got the winch on the 4X4 ready. "Keep calm, Mandy! I'm coming down!" Sam called to her.

Sam gave Tom the thumbs up to lower him down to where Mandy was and he was lowered as Tom set the winch to the on switch. Mandy looked up as Sam came to rescue her. "Don't worry, Mandy. Everything's alright. How did you end up here?" He asked her.

"I was heading home when the rain came when I lost the others and I fell down here."

"Oh dear. Are you hurt anywhere?"

"Just my shoulder... I couldn't climb back up as it was wet and I got hurt."

"Well, I'm sure you'll be safe at the fire station. Let's get you out of here."

Sam strapped the harness around Mandy and held onto her. He reached for his radio and gave Tom the signal to bring them up. "Take us up, Tom!" he called up.

"On it, Sam!"

Tom switched the controls on the winch to bring Sam and Mandy up to the vehicles and soon, Mandy was free from the ravine. Sam got the harness off from around them and led Mandy to the 4x4. "Take Mandy back to the Fire Station. Stay there until Helen arrives there." he told Tom.

Tom nodded and Sam looked over at Mandy. "Was there anyone else with you before this happened?" He asked.

"Norman... Hannah... Derek... Lily... James... and Sarah..."

"Uh oh... Looks like we got several children missing."

"Too right, Sam. We better hurry. I'll get Mandy to the station and you tell everyone on the radio."

"Copy that, Tom."

Tom got in the 4x4 and drove back to the Fire Station with Mandy on board. Sam got back on Mercury and drove off to the forests to help Malcolm find the children who are missing. He reached for his radio. "This is Fireman Sam calling all Fire, Police, and Ambulance units. be on the lookout for Norman Price, Derek Price, Hannah Sparkes, Lily Chen, James Jones, and Sarah Jones. Mandy has been rescued and is now en-route to the Fire Station."

"Roger that, Sam." They all replied.

Sam had to hurry as the storm began to pick up a little more. He knew that his niece and nephew were missing and Charlie and Bronwyn were probably worried.

Out in Pontypandy,

Elvis and Arnold were looking for more places to stack sandbags when Mrs. Chen called for help. They knew at that point she was in trouble on the roof. Elvis knew that something was not right with this and reached for his radio. Arnold found a ladder and began to pick it up. "We're coming!!" Arnold called.

"Stop!! We need to wait for backup because Jupiter's Ladder will get caught in the wind... A ladder like this will be soaked before we can use it!"

"We can't wait here for that!!"

Arnold carried the ladder to the roof and leaned it against the building and climbed up. Elvis was horrified by his actions. "No!! Get down from there!! We need to wait for Jodie and Helen to come here and hold a rescue net!!" Elvis warned.

"I'm here to rescue people, Elvis... Not sit here and wait around all day!!"

Arnold slowly climbed up the ladder and felt the wind blow against him. The ladder was close to falling down with him on it. Arnold reached for the gutter pipe and clinged onto it and Mrs. Chen reached out and grabbed his hand to keep him from falling. "I've got you... I don't know how long I can hold on!" Mrs. Chen called down to Arnold.

"HELP!!!" Arnold shouted.

"Oh no..." Elvis gasped in horror.


"Calm down, Cridlington!! I'll get Jodie, Tom, and Nurse Flood to you as soon as possible!!"

"Roger that, sir!! Tell them to hurry!!"

"I'm on it, Elvis!!"

Station Officer Steele called Helen, Jodie, and Tom to assist Elvis with Arnold and Mrs. Chen on her roof rescue. Elvis had to declare an emergency based on his leadership. Elvis knew that he had to save his friend after what they were arguing about at the station earlier.

Fireman Sam: Beach troubleWhere stories live. Discover now