The search is on and Airline problems

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Sam and the team were on the search to find Mateo who was lost in the storm. The wind was getting to pick up really fast and clouds were moving in really fast. Sam can feel the heavy raindrops fall towards his helmet and cause him to slow down. Malcolm was having the same problem too and slowed down next to Sam. They both knew it was too late. "PC Malcolm to Station Officer Steele. Come in, sir." Malcolm radioed.

"Go ahead, Malcolm."

"Sam and I are stuck in the storm. We're heading to the station and getting Phoenix. I'll get the Police 4x4."

"Oh... I say. Roger that, PC Malcolm. Sergeant Ravani. Did you copy that?" Steele asked Rose.

"Affirmative, sir. I copy. PC Malcolm. Go get the 4x4. Sam will get Phoenix and swap vehicles." Rose replied.

"Roger that, Sergeant." Malcolm added.

"Copy that, Sergeant!" Sam chimed.

Sam headed for the fire station as fast as he could braving the storm on Mercury. He slowed down in case Jupiter, Venus 2, the Mountain Rescue Ambulance, or Tom's 4x4 come past him. He drove up from the coast road and it was hard to drive up. Soon, he reached the top and then drove down slowly avoiding a crash, and picked up Hannah's wheelchair along the way. He soon saw blue lights flashing above Mercury's parking spot meaning the station was in sight and he parked Mercury in the station. Station Officer Steele came down and saw his lead firefighter swap from the helmet for Mercury to his firefighting helmet. "Sam... This storm is getting bad... We need to find Mateo as soon as possible... We'll need all emergency personnel to report back to their stations and Tom at Mountain Rescue or here... Time is running out..." He said worriedly.

"I know, sir... I'll be as fast as I can. Oh, and tell Hannah I have brought her chair. She can have it once it's dry."

"Excellent work, Fireman Sam. I'll get this upstairs straight away."

Sam ran to Phoenix and got in the driver's seat. He started the engine and turned the siren on before driving carefully out of the station. Station Officer Steele watched Sam drive off before he went to take the wheelchair upstairs to dry. He knew that his team would be on the lookout.

back at the lifeguard tower,

Sarah was resting her foot under a bag of frozen vegetables with a tea towel. Ellie, James, and Penny were waiting for word on the storm. they knew Mateo was missing since they heard from his mother Gabriela. She grew worried about him since he went missing. Ellie motioned for Gabriela to sit and she did. "You know... It's always good to know you're always keeping him safe... Is this the first time he went missing?" Ellie asked.

"Yeah... It was. Sometimes when he goes out to play with his friends in our country, he tells me where he is at all times. Sometimes, he lets me know if he is late or if I need to come over."



"Oh... I forgot. What country was it?"

"Mexico... We flew from Mexico City or Ciudad de México... It's been hard getting to America... We needed a vacation... So, I thought the UK was a good idea."

"Oh... I see. Do you have a flight for the trip back to Mexico?"

"We don't... Apparently, Delta Airlines denied us access to board the plane because of no reason... Our flight to London was through Aeroméxico."

"Here's the thing with Airlines... They don't tell you anything whenever something goes wrong. it's just their way of business."

"Right... How can I get back to Mexico?"

"I know someone at British Airways. I'll see if she can expedite a ticket for you. Can you try and get through to Aeroméxico?"

"I hope so..."

Ellie and Gabriela got to work on rerouting her flight to Mexico after a mishap with the airlines in America. Ellie texted her friend at British Airways who was working on rebooking flights and reservations. "Hey... It's Ellie. Sorry to bother U. I got someone named Gabriela Cruz at the Lifeguard tower where I am... She needs a flight back to Mexico after Delta Airlines canceled their ticket for no reason... Right now, we don't have everyone accounted for. Can you give me any suggestions for how to help her?"

"Ellie... I hope you mean this. I don't know what is going on. Are you saying someone is stranded in the UK since Delta canceled their ticket and reservation?"

"Yeah... She needs to get to Mexico on this date."

Ellie texted her the date and the booking reference with Aeroméxico. She later got a reply from her friend at British Airways. "Are you guys calling them now?"

"We are... Yes. We'll tell you any updates."

"U know what? Out with it. Call me."

"Nope. U call me."

"Hahaha... I will."

Ellie heard her phone go off and it was her friend at British Airways which read in bold ANGELA RICHARDS (My Bestie at BA).

"Hey, Angie... Out with it! This better be good."

"Relax, Ellie. I got ya covered. I have my supervisor looking into it right now. What was the reason Delta canceled their tickets?"

"They didn't say... Apparently, I think there's something going on with them."

"Could be... Your guess is as good as mine. How are you?"

"Ah... Could've been worse."

"What do ya mean?"

"I am actually busy at the lifeguard tower."

"No way... You're a firefighter?"

"Yes, I am... Jodie's working with me too."

"How nice? So good to hear. Well, I better find out your situation with Aeroméxico."

"You do that. I'll be here in case you need anything else."

"Catch ya later, Ellie. My best friend..."

"You as well... I'm out."

Ellie ended her call with her friend Angela at British Airways. She saw Penny with the twins and Gabriela on the phone with Aeroméxico. She can see what is going on. They were arguing over Delta's reason for the cancelation of their ticket and reservation. Gabriela was talking to them in Spanish and they were replying back in Spanish. Penny came by with the twins and they were surprised. Sarah was in Penny's arms with the frozen bag on her foot wrapped in a tea towel. "This could be a while... Right?" Penny chimed.

"You're right about that. Here... I'll take care of Sarah, you get this under control."

"Thanks, Ellie."

Penny and Ellie swapped and then Penny left to deal with Gabriela's situation while the others went somewhere else in the tower. It was going to be a long day for them and they hoped Sam and the others found Mateo.

Fireman Sam: Beach troubleWhere stories live. Discover now