Chapter 4

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The moon was shining brightly covering the city with its light and Zhan failed to notice this beautiful view because of how focused he is at staring at the card that is resting between his fingers. His focus broke when someone knocked at his door, he gave permission and there he saw the janitor who was holding a mop with his poker face. "Sir, it's already night and time for you to go home," with that statement the janitor closed and left the office while Zhan made his way to the windows to ensure that the guard was not lying on him. And it turns out that he was not. The big white moon was filled with light and with the stars surrounding around it.

"It would be a good idea to walk in the night, he sighed and grabbed his things while ensuring the card in his wallet to not lose it.

He went to the bus station and waited for the bus, he then took out his card and stared at it again contemplating whether he should give them a call or just to never mind it. To be honest, he was quite contented with what he has right now. A guy with a stable job and with a big pay to even though he's not that good, well that's what he always tells himself, that he's not good enough and he was also confused why Suzhen picked him. If he was to describe his girlfriend, he would immediately say that she's a goddess.

Xiao Zhan was soon interrupted by the bus arriving. He rode the bus and decided that he should have a stop at the near park in his apartment.


Zhan arrived at the park and there he breathed some fresh air as if he hasn't breathed some for a long time. He looked at the moon which was shining brightly and that motivated him to walk around the park. Even though there weren't that many people present, most of them are couples cuddling each other, he even saw a couple that was making out in a corner, even though it was not that visible, he still saw it. He wished that he hadn't seen that scene.

He took off his eyeglasses and rubbed his eyes when he heard some engine roaring and wheels grinding against the ground but Zhan did not pay any attention to it until he felt someone hug him. "Hey! What the heck are you doing?! Can't you see that there's a person here?!" shouted the one who's currently hugging him right now.

Shocked of what happened Zhan immediately pushed away from the person who saved him from a motorcycle and was about to put on his eyeglasses when the person grabbed his hand. "Be careful next time," blurted the deep-voiced man. Hearing his voice made Zhan's body shiver. 'Why is it like this?' he asked himself shocked at his body's reaction.

Zhan stepped away from the man who saved him which made the atmosphere somewhat awkward to both of them. "Ehem, I'll go now," said the deep-voiced man that made Zhan back into the present. Zhan was about to stop him but it was too late, the only thing that caught his eyes was the man's skateboard. It had some weird cartoon drawn into it and the colour of the board was green.

'I didn't even say thanks to him,' Zhan regretted not stopping the man. He has some sense of always giving thanks to those who gave things to him or saving him in time of need and that's why he felt guilty. "I want to say thanks but I don't know if we'll ever meet again," Zhan sighed and slowly walked to the exit of the park when he saw something move around the bush.

'Oh dear Lord, please don't let it be a dog,' Zhan prayed to the heavens. Ever since he was a child, he was afraid of dogs and he doesn't even know the reason behind it. 'Maybe it was my past life's trauma,' he thought. Zhan believed in reincarnation which some of the people find absurd but he's not swayed by others opinions and continued to believe what he believes.

Zhan didn't know what came into his mind because his feet were slowly dragging his whole body near the bush and his arms even took action! He slowly lifted the bush and there he saw...a bunny, a black bunny. Zhan didn't know what to do when the bunny immediately jumped into his arms and snuggled. He tried to put it back but it kept coming back to him, he even tried to trick it but the bunny was smarter. In the end, Zhan decided to take the bunny with him and went home.


In his apartment, Zhan didn't know where to keep the bunny so he kept it in the tub and decided to also take a shower. Yes, Zhan's apartment has both a shower and tub. While he was showering the bunny kept looking at him which made Zhan return the gaze that the bunny gave him. When Zhan couldn't take it anymore, he talked to the bunny, "what do you want?"

"As you can see, I am still taking a bath and would you mind not looking at me?" Zhan talked to the bunny and as if the bunny understand he turned his gaze away which made Zhan continue showering.

After taking his bath, he scooped the bunny and went to his fridge to get some carrots to feed the bunny. He put the bunny on his kitchen table to have some company while eating and then he thought of what name he should give to the animal. "Hmmm, what would be a good name to name you..." Zhan was brainstorming names until he finally came up with a good name, "...Wei! Yes, that would be a good name," Zhan nodded to himself as the bunny continued chewing the carrot.

"Say, Wei, I received a card from a company and I'm contemplating whether I should give them a call or not?" Zhan pouted and the bunny just hopped near him. "Awww, do you want me to give them a call?" Zhan asked the bunny in a cutesy tone and the bunny just licked his finger which made him chuckle. Actually, when Zhan was walking in the park, he decided that maybe he should give it a try and when he was bathing, he thought of it again and with the sight of Wei, he decided that maybe he should try it out. It was his motto, 'don't be afraid to try new things'.

But the problem is that would it be a good idea to tell Suzhen?

He then dismissed the thought because he knew that Suzhen's schedule is quite tight and he respected that. After eating, he washed his dishes and carried Wei into his arms and got the card from his wallet then dialled the number that was printed on the card.

"Good Evening,"
"Ah yes, good evening, I'm here to talk to the person that gave my colleague this card,"
"Is this Mr Xiao Zhan?"
"Oh yes, that would be me,"
"Oh, I see..." Zhan blurted while thinking how he should be bringing up the topic about their offers.
"How rude of me, I will tell you our offers Mr Zhan but it would be better to personally tell it to you so that I could explain the details better,"
"Yes, that would be fine,"
"What time are you free Mr Zhan?"
"What about 3 pm tomorrow," Zhan said while remembering his schedule for tomorrow.
"Yes, that would be fine and I'll personally visit you at your office,"
"You can pick the place,"
"It's better if I visit you at the gallery, Mr Zhan,"
"Oh, I see, if that's comfortable for you," Zhan said.
"Then it's settled Mr Zhan, goodbye and thank you for calling me," the other line said before ending the call.

Zhan took a deep breath and looked at Wei in his arms which was also looking at him, "what?" he asked the bunny while rubbing its head. "Ahh, where are you going to sleep tonight huh? I don't have a cage for you since you suddenly came so what about sleeping with me on the same bed?" he cheerfully asked the bunny and the bunny was also showing signs of excitement. "But one condition..." the bunny paid attention to what Zhan was about to say next. "...don't pee and poop on my bend and when I wake up you have to be there at my side," the bunny sniffed and Zhan took it as a sign that it understood what he said.

That night, Zhan was able to sleep peacefully and was slowly looking forward to what will happen tomorrow. And for the first time in his taken life, he did not update Suzhen of what he did today.



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