Chapter 10: Amusement Park [Pt. 2]

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"Ehem," Zhan was pulled out of his own world when Haoxuan faked cough just to get his attention. "We should go now, and Zhan, you're holding Yibo's hand for 30 minutes now," Haxuan teased which made Zhan's face to be red. Zhan sighed in relief that no one could clearly see his face right now, thanks to his cap and mask because if someone did then he'll just run away from the embarrassment. While Yibo on the other hand is so good at controlling his emotions that he just displayed his usual face.

"I-if you say so t-then let's go," Xiao Zhan blurted while hanging his head low, unable to see Haoxuan's smirk that was hidden on his mask. "Lezzgo," Haoxuan cheered and dragged Yibo who was standing with his stone face and Xiao Zhan who kept his head low.

And that's how the adventures of Wang Haoxuan, Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan started.


The first stop the three went is the ticket booth, where they bought tickets for their rest of the day activities.

Haoxuan was in-charge of keeping the tickets while Zhan was carrying the food and Yibo? Well, you can say that he's the freeloader of the three.

"Woah, Yiboooo thanks for the treat," Haoxuan who was happy and at the same time, excited, thanked Yibo for buying the tickets for them. We can now change Yibo's status, from freeloader to human bank.

Zhan on the other hand just kept quiet and tried to stop Yibo's plans on buying their tickets through Haoxuan but Haoxuan didn't budge and his reasoning was..."how can you refuse a thing that was given to you? And for free?"

With that answer given by Xuan, Zhan knew that there's no use in stopping Yibo from using Haoxuan.

"So how many stops?" Xiao Zhan asked just to keep their atmosphere somewhat happy and not awkward. "10," Yibo replied.

'Wahhh I changed my mind, he's still the same,' Haoxuan thought.

"Can you enumerate them?" Haoxuan asked and Yibo just stared at them and sighed, "Carousel, Rotor, Haunted Mansion, Log Rides, 'It's a Small World', Bumper Cars, Scrambler, Insanity, Ferris Wheel and Tilt a Twirl,"

Zhan's mind stopped at the phrase 'It's a Small World' and with that, he turned to ask Yibo. "Isn't that ride supposed to be only available at Disney Land?"

Yibo looked at him and shrugged, "maybe they just followed the concept since they want to attract tourists,"

"But isn't that somewhat like plagiarism?"

"I only said 'concept' not the whole thing," Yibo said and Zhan just pouted, "how mean," Zhan mumbled but Xuan's ear was too sharp and heard it. He patted Zhan's shoulder and comforted him, "don't worry he's always like that," Zhan just nodded and this simple action was caught by Yibo.

"What happened?" he asked the two.l but only earned a glare from Haoxuan. "You know how Zhan is and to answer your question, you should ask yourself."

'What did I do?' Yibo was filled with confusion but nevertheless, he apologized, "I'm sorry."

These two words made Haoxuan's head turn to him in an instant, "w-what did you j-just say?"

"Nothing," Yibo asked and walked faster.

Zhan on the other hand long forgot the way that Yibo spoke. Maybe he's gotten denser because of Jiang Cheng's insults and never had the ability to be swayed that easily again. Instead, he was busy thinking about what rides they should go first and didn't even hear Yibo speak. He just noticed Yibo who was already in front of them so he decided to call him.

"Yibo," this made Yibo stop in his steps and look at Xiao Zhan who was behind him.


'Aiya, what a cold response,'

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