Chapter 9: Amusement Park [Pt. 1]

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Days passed by and it was now Wednesday when Zhan will go to the amusement park with Haoxuan. He woke up earlier than usual because he has to prepare their snacks and lunch. Even though he was never tasked to do this, he still did because he didn't want to go there empty-handed.

He went down to the kitchen and prepared food before even taking a shower. To Zhan, it doesn't matter what comes first as long as you did your task and that applies to cooking before taking a bath.

After Zhan prepared their food which took him 2 hours, he went to his room and picked an outfit for him to wear. He chose jeans paired with a white t-shirt covered with a red polo which is to be paired with white shoes. As Zhan displayed his outfit on his bed, he stared at it and was satisfied with his taste. He then went to the bathroom and took a bath fast because time was slowly running out.

After Zhan took his bath, he then wore the outfit that he prepared when his phone beeped. He checked to see who it was and it was Haoxuan who messaged him.

[Hi Zhan! If you read this then don't reply, I'm just going to tell you that I'm bringing a plus one 😉]

Zhan was confused by Haoxuan's message. 'Why did he tell me to not reply to him when I read it?' was the question lingering on his mind when he remembered about the food.

'Shoot! I only prepared two sets of meals!'

Zhan quickly went downstairs and prepared another set of food for Haoxuan's plus one and that took out another 30 mins. Zhan's was overthinking that Haoxuan and his plus one might be angry waiting for him.

He even remembered that he has to drop by Wen Qing's place to take care of Wei. Zhan's mind was now in chaos.


Zhan ran and ran to catch the bus. He just arrived at Wen Qing's place and was already haggard. He arranged himself to be more presentable to Haoxuan and his plus one. He doesn't want the plus one to think so lowly to him.

Zhan took his phone and messaged Haoxuan the address of the amusement park before he put it back on his bag and paid attention outside.


On the other hand, Haoxuan just arrived in a place where his plus one lives. "What took you so long?" he asked the person who just arrived but he didn't even give an answer. Instead of Haoxuan being mad, he just shrugged, knowing the attitude of the person he's with right now, it's totally normal.

Haoxuan was about to ask the person once more, just to tease him when he realized that he was the only one remaining outside and saw that person who was already inside.

'Aigoo this kid,' Xuan said in his mind before following the person inside the van.

It was now 10 am and Zhan just arrived at the amusement park. Bringing the food in his right hand, he looked for a familiar figure in the crowd. He was surprised that many people were here, he thought that it would be fewer since it's weekdays.

He looked again and scanned the crowd, it was not hard for him since he himself was taller than others but the problem is that the person that he's finding perfectly blends in the crowd because of his height.

'Ah, when can I find you Haoxuan?'

He took out his phone and was about to call Haoxuan when he felt something holding his left arm. He turned around and was relieved when he saw the man he was looking for found him.

"I was about to call you, good thing you found me first," Zhan smiled and didn't even notice the person behind Xue Yang. "What did you bring Zhan?" Haoxuan asked but he could already tell that Zhan brought food, he just asked to do the formalities.

"Oh, this? I thought that if I bring food then we wouldn't have to spend money and besides, my homemade food is the best," Zhan said proudly that making Haoxuan laugh at Zhan' confidence.

"Let's just wait until lunch, I can't wait to devour the food you made," Haoxuan exclaimed which earned a cough from the person that was silent behind him all the time.

'Oh yeah, I forgot that I came with someone,'

"Oh yeah Zhan, this is my plus one...' Haoxuan stepped back and pushed the younger man near Zhan.

'I didn't even notice him there,' Zhan thought and just stared at the man who Haoxuan brought.

"...come on, don't be shy little man," teased Haoxuan then earned a glare at the younger which made him laugh more.

"Your reaction hahaha it's the same as always, so cold," said Haoxuan then stared at Xiao Zhan for a bit who was intensely looking at the young man whom he brought.

Zhan stared at the plus one that Haoxuan brought and stared back at Haoxuan. He can already see the smirk that's displayed on Xuan's face right now even if he can't see it because of the mask. Yes, the three of them wore a mask to hide from the public.

After staring at Haoxuan, he averted his gaze back to the young man again. Now that he looked at him clearly, he was quite similar to the man who had saved him at the park that time.

"Ehem, young man," Haoxuan called to the younger and earned another cold glare from him. Haoxuan wanted to laugh but he just kept it inside because he doesn't want to feel cold in this hot summer weather.

"My name's Wang Yibo," said the man named Yibo and stretched out his hand. Haoxuan was shocked to see this because, in his whole life, this is the first time where Wang Yibo offered his hand for a stranger to shake it.

Zhan on the other hand felt an urge that he should take that hand and shake it, and so he did. He shook Wang Yibo's hand and he felt something that could not be explained in words.


[Hi guys, I decided to break this into parts since I think that this is gonna be long and sorry for giving you a short chapter, it's just that I need rest since I had my first dose of vaccination today, hope you guys understand. Thank you and please vote, comment and share!]

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