Chapter 8

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*Click Click Click

Sounds of the cameras were heard all over the studio followed by cheers from staff and amazing faces while looking at the young man who was posing for the company product that he was tasked to endorse.

"Zhan you're really good!" cheered Wen Qing from the side while holding Zhan's water bottle.


The last shot made Zhan breathe in relief before he ran to Wen Qing and got his water bottle. "Was I?" asked Zhan ang Qing just gave him a big thumbs up. "Yes really," this made Zhan satisfied because he now knew that he was qualified to do this kind of job.

"Is this really how models and actors shoot?" Zhan asked Qing who was busy looking at him. "Mmhm," said Qing which made Zhan shiver at the thought. "Wahh, I pity them," he said and Qing just agreed with him.

"Anyways, Zhan your next schedule shoot is on Thursday," reported Wen Qing and Zhan was happy with it because he get to have a rest tomorrow which he will spend on doing his new art piece. "All right," Zhan soon walked to the dressing room and changed his clothes to his normal ones.

'Hmm, it's been days since I last saw Jie and Cheng, maybe I treat them to the amusement park?'

Zhan couldn't help but ask himself. It has been days, almost a week since he saw his angel Jie and the grumpy looking man, Cheng. He knows how the siblings love the amusement park despite their age. Even though Cheng just displays his uninterested look every time, he still enjoys the time he spends with Zhan and his Jie. To him, what makes his Jie happy makes him happy.


When Zhan arrived at the gallery, he did his paperwork for a bit before going out to the sibling's office. "Jie, Cheng, why don't we go to the amusement park tomorrow?" Zhan asked, his eyes sparkling but it died down when the siblings refused him.

"Sorry A-Zhan, we're quite busy because of how's the gallery doing right now," saying that statement made Zhan shocked. "Why? Is the gallery not doing well?" He asked, worried but Yanli just smiled at him.

"No, it's the opposite of that, since you have become their model, your face made the magazine's cover for some time and that gave us customers," though Yanli was a bit disappointed that people only came in their gallery just to look for Zhan and not for their art, she still has to be thankful that their gallery is not at its worst.

"But you two will not come?" Zhan asked once again but only earned a refusal from the two.

Zhan returned to his office as if he has failed his mission. He started to bury himself in more paperwork just to pass out time when his phone 'beeped'.

[Zhan, how are you?]

He read the text messages, lately, he has been talking with Haoxuan to pass time and sometimes Haoxuan also gave him some tips on how to become a better model as he is a model himself.

[Just finished the shoot, it was tiring]

[AHAHAHAHA that's just our lives as models]

Zhan sighed. He thought that being a celebrity will bring you fame and aside from that, you will have lesser work to do. But in reality, he was wrong. All celebrities do is work hard and never even got a vacation for themselves.

That's when Zhan thought of an idea.

[Hey, Xuan, are you next week?]

[Yes...only on Wednesday though]

Zhan had his next week free so he used this chance to spend some time to set himself free but of course, he decided to bring someone with him and that someone is Wang Haoxuan.

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