Chapter 7

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Zhan should be thankful right now knowing that someone caught his unconscious body before it hit the ground because that would cause chaos.

Thankfully, the stranger was good enough to not have ill intentions towards Xiao Zhan considering his looks that could attract both genders. But pity those men who confessed to him back in his early days, they thought Zhan would also be attracted to them but no, Zhan was straight as a rod.


The stranger sat at a bench near where Zhan passed out while Zhan's head was resting on his lap. The stranger looked at Zhan in amazement, he questioned 'how can a man be so comfortable in a stranger's presence?' but he immediately answered it, 'maybe it's because he's drunk.'

The stranger was busy making questions in his head but answered it back until he felt something shuffle under him, in his lap. He looked down and noticed that Zhan was now awake and tensed because of his current position which is laying down in someone's lap, and what's worse than that is that it's a stranger's lap.

"Ahhhh!" Zhan blurted which started the stranger. Zhan closed his eyes because of the embarrassment that he's feeling right now. 'This is not the time to be embarrassed, Xiao Zhan! You brought this upon yourself!' Zhan scolded himself then seconds later, he turned to face the stranger who was looking at Zhan. The stranger was wearing all black and was covering his face but Zhan did not feel threatened at all. He could clearly see his eyes but it was as if the stranger understood Zhan and he then took off his mask, completely exposing his face.

"Ehem, did...I...perhaps do something that's...inappropriate?" Zhan couldn't help himself but take breaks between each word because of how embarrassed he is feeling right now. The man just flashed him a smile and shook his head. Zhan took a breath of relief but that was too early to celebrate when the man spoke, "you didn't do anything besides snuggling on my lap as if it was your pillow and you're on your bed,"

Zhan's eyes widened but the stranger just smiled at him. Xiao Zhan stood up and bowed, "I'm really sorry for what I did," apologized Zhan but the stranger didn't mind him because he was amused about Zhan's reaction.

"Haha, it's no biggie really, I did this many times especially when I'm out drinking with that guy," the stranger pointed out but Zhan just stared at him, confused as to who he was referring to.

'He did this many times? Lending his lap to someone else?' Zhan asked in his mind but the stranger seemed to read him. "That's not what I meant, what I meant was accompanying a drunk person and waiting for them until they become sober," the stranger cleared out to him and he just nodded.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward between the two of them until the stranger stood up and introduce himself, "Wang Haoxuan by the way," he stretched out his hand for Zhan to take it. Zhan thought that the name was quite familiar but he shrugged it off because he couldn't put his mind on where he heard it.

"Xiao Zhan," he took the hand and shook it. As if it was pre-destined, both of them quickly became friends without Zhan having the slightest idea on who he was conversing with.

Time passed and it was already 12 am, both of them quickly bid GOODBYE to each other, "Zhan, be careful on your way home, it's already dawn and could be dangerous for a beauty like you," Haoxuan winked at him but he just laughed. He did not find it weird when this person called him a beauty. Normally, he would immediately tell those people who complimented him beautiful that he was not beautiful but handsome.

"Ugh, you too, be careful on your way home," Zhan quickly bid goodbye before going his way. He thought that Haoxuan was not a bad person at all and he would share his interaction with Haoxuan with the Jiang siblings tomorrow, that is if he could wake up early and not late.

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