✰𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏✰

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Y/n's POV

It was currently 10:35 a.m, on a Sunday. I was looking for a new cleaning gig because I quit from my last one. I got accused of being a homewrecker.


5 months ago

I was was wiping off the counter when the homeowner came downstairs. " You look so pretty as you always do." The man said. He had long grey hair that was sitting in a nice bun on top of his head. He had stitches all on around his boy claiming he got into a 'car crash'. I would know how he has stiches all on his body since he walks around with no shirt on. As he was coming around the counter touching my hair. Why does people always feel the need to do that. He always made me feel uncomfortable, but I needed money and money was crucial. " Can you not touch my hair please. It took a long time to do." I lied, well partially. It did take a long time, but I just wanted him to get off me. " Well I'm sorry." He replied with a smug smirk as he patted my back. My body jerked forward as in response. " Relax I don't bite." He said leaning closer to me looking as if he was about ready to kiss me. On cue somebody busted through the door.

" Who the hell is she and why is she so close to you!." A girl shouted from across the room, she had Black hair that was long to her back, eyes were as green as her shirt, and she was about 5'6. " Oh her? She's just my house cleaner. She's been trying to push herself onto me, but I've been rejecting her. The only reason why didn't fire her yet is because I know she needs the money." He said with that stupid smirk on his face. I stopped what I was doing and looked over at him in disbelief. " You've got to be joking." I said, I can't believe this man.

" So it was this bitch right here? She's not even all that for her to be up on you." The girl said closing the door walking towards me and Mahito. " Look you got it all wrong. Your 'boyfriend' was all up on me." I said crossing my arms, irritated at the fact the he would just sit here and lie. " But he said that you were all up on him. And of course I'm going to believe him over some random ass bitch." She said raising her eyebrows " Baby, calm down." Mahito said, he is literally making me sick to my stomach. " Watch that 'B' word." I told her, I hate getting angry . Anger just doesn't suit me. " Yea? Well watch this." She said as she swung at me aiming for my face.

I swiftly dogged her punch, catching it with my other hand. " See, I tried being nice. This is what happens when you don't listen." I said as I wiped the fake dust off of me. She stumbled back in surprise when she seen my fast reflexes. I took deep breath's to calm down. "This homewreck thinks she the shit." She said crossing her arms as she scoffed. "Girl what?" Is said, when did I ever say anything like that. People love putting words into my mouth. "Fire her! Fire her now! I don't care if she needs money! If you really love me you would do it!" She said looking at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Y/n yo-" I cut Mahito off before he could finish his sentence. "Before you say I'm fired, I quit. Delete my number from your phone since I'm no longer in your service, therefore there's no reason for you to call or text me." I said, throwing the sponge into the sink hanging up the apron, dropping the cleaning gloves along with the spare key he gave me on the table. I didn't even give him a chance to speak as I grabbed my things and left out the door. After I left out, I let out a sigh of relief. " I hope I never see that man ever again."

Flashback Over

He tried to get into contact with me for three months until I changed my number and made new social media accounts. When I think about it now it's just so funny to me. Always question the woman but never the man. How pathetic, I continued to scroll on my computer looking for another cleaning gig. I didn't mind cleaning because it calmed me and I actually enjoyed doing it. I kept looking around, until I stumbled upon a person named Satoru Gojo. The pay was over the top the only down fall was his place was across town. My car is very old so I don't know if it would be able to handle all the pressure of driving across town. But it was a sacrifice I was willing to make. Recently I've been saving up for a new car. On top of that I still have to pay off the medical bill for my mother as well as the funeral fines. This new gig is definitely going to help.

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