✰𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 6✰

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When I woke up my notifications inbox was so full of comments, likes, and followers. This must of been Satorus doing when he posted that picture of us on his instagram.

It really wasn't a problem so I didn't care. I hope all his crazy fan girls don't start flooding my Dm's with hate. I let out a huff as I decided to get my day started with breakfast and a warm shower.

It was currently Tuesday evening 7:45 p.m. I was getting ready for my first OFFICIAL day at the club until my phone started ringing, distracting me from my main objective. I read the caller ID it was none other than Satoru Gojo himself. I answered the phone looking at him with my lips in a straight line(😐).

"Yes is there anything you need? I told you today was my first day and being late is not a good first impression or a good impression at all." I said tossing my phone on the bed as I continued to get ready so I could be somewhat on my time schedule that I had planned out.

"Well damn I just wanted to wish you luck on your first day." He said rolling his eyes. "Keep rolling your eyes they're gonna get stuck." I walked out my bedroom grabbing my phone and the rest of my belongings.

"Well thanks I guess I gotta go if I wanna be on time. " I said simling at the phone camera as he smiled back. "Okayy byeee." He said waving as I hung up the phone walking out the door heading to my car. I took a deep breath before I put the car keys in and drove off towards my destination.

Once I finally arrived at club, I walked in and immediately was hit the stench of alcohol and sweat. I went to the back as I clocked in for my shift putting my belongings into the staff lockers. Grabbing my apron tying it around waist walking to the bar. Now all I had to do was wait until somebody come and ask for their order which shouldn't take too long since today of all days had to be packed up to the brim.

M first costumer was a man with blonde hair, goggle looking glass, and a polka dot tie. "Two shots of vodka please." He asked with a stern look on his face. With a face like that he looks unapproachable. "Hard day at work?" I questioned in attempt to start a conversation. "You have no idea." He responded.

If we're being honest here I thought he was gonna straight up ignore me. "Try me." I said encouraging him to tell me about his day. "Have you ever had an annoying human constantly bothering you?" I nodded my head slowly as I handed him his drinks. "Well he looks like a paint brush and won't leave me alone."

I laughed as he continued to rant about his day to me and a random stranger that was sitting right next to him.


It's been about a couple hours later and it was close to my shift ending. My feet were killing but nothing I wouldn't do for a check. That was until I noticed that same blue haired girl that had spilled a drink on me. She had looked very drunk and reeked of alcohol.

"More please." She slurred. "Ehh I don't think that's a good idea. I mean you can't even hold your head up straight." I said taking a look at the fact that her head was slouched on the bar counter top.

Now that I took a look at her she doesn't look over 21 do the bouncer not care? Geez. "I said more please." She said putting a little more aggression in her tone. "I can't I'm sorry." I told her. "Fine I'm leaving." She said slamming her hands on the bar counter walking towards the exit.

I let out a huff as I cleaned off the bar counter before heading to the back to clock out. When I was walking towards that back I seen Toji talking to some man with blonde hair and black tips. He had looked upset with him, the way his hand gripped the cup making the veins in his hand pop. He looked over to me as he the scowl on his face disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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