✰𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 2✰

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It was currently 9:45 p.m and Megumi was the first to walk through the door. He huffed as he sat his bag on the hook by the door and put his shoes up nicely. "Hi Ms. Y/n what are you still doing here?" Megumi asked raising his eyebrow. I hopped of the couch pausing the show. "Satoru had told me he needed me to watch the dogs. He said that'll pay me extra so I took the job. Sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable." I said nervously laughing. "No, no it's fine, I'm sure he'll be home soon." He said with a light smile, he headed to the kitchen as I sat back down. He started going through the fridge sighing due to there being no food.

"This man never goes grocery shopping." He said, "I ordered some panda express you can have the rest of my food since I'll be going home soon." I said turning to him resting my head on my hands. "You sure Ms. Y/n?" He said as his stomach began to rumble. "It looks like you need it more than me, go ahead. Also drop the 'Ms.' It makes me feel old, think of me as a auntie. If you're comfortable with that." I said laughing I said, looking at him I could tell he was an awkward child. But that didn't stop me from talking to him. "Well thank you 'Auntie' Y/n." He said with another light smile. "See now that sounds much better." I said smiling getting up to feed the dogs one last time.

"Soo Megumi how was your day?" I asked making more conversation between us. He pressed the buttons on the microwave to warm up the food. "It was pretty good even though my friends are pretty annoying." He said rolling his eyes as the microwaved beeped as he sat down and began to eat. "How about you he asked." Looking up from his food to look at me. "Other than cleaning Satorus toilet I'm doing pretty great." I said cracking a joke as we both began to laugh.


"Well that was a long day at work." I said opening the garage door. I got out my car and closed the door, walking up to the stairs of my front door I hear laughter. "Whatever they laughing about cant be that funny. I'm the funniest person around." I said hurrying to unlock the door. I opened the door to see Y/n and Megumi chatting and laughing. "Hey guys I'm back from work." I said as it got quiet and their attention went straight to me. "Oh you're back greatt..." Megumi said sarcastically. I can't believe he was spending time the beautiful women.

"Why do you sound sad I'm literally the life of the party." I said with a frown.


"Just stop" Megumi said holding up his hand. I laughed. "Wow and now you're laughing at me too." He said as he was shouting as if it wasn't late. "Well since you're back imma head out." I said going over to put my sandals on. Satoru pulled out his check book writing me my check handing it to me. I put it in my purse without looking at it. "Do you mind if I leave my cleaning supplies here? It's such a drag bringing them back in forth." I said as I was about to open the door. "It's fine don't worry about it." He said. "Okay good I already put them under the kitchen sink." I said as he laughed.

"Well I'll see y'all Sunday morning. Bye Satoru. Byeee Megumiiiii!" I said adding a bit more enthusiasm to Megumis name.
"Bye auntie Y/n." He said with a smile. "AUNTIE WHAT!?!?" I heard Satoru shout from behind the door as I entered my car heading home so I can go to sleep as soon as possible.


"AUNTIE WHAT!?!?" The annoying man shouted as she walked out the door. "It's not that serious. I kept calling her Ms.Y/n and she said she didn't like it and it made her feel old. So she said think of me as an auntie." I said getting tired of his bull.

"You know you can drop the act right? I know you're trying to get into her pants by playing this nice loud act. But she's actually nicer than all the other people you've hired. The other ones let you hit on the first night and the next day you'll fired them because you wanted to keep things quote on quote 'professional'." I said, auntie Y/n was actually better than the rest. The others always asked me what Gojo liked or asked me to set them up with him. I always said no or leave me alone. That's when they dropped the act and started to be so called mean to me. "Ah Megumi you know me so well." He said laughing hitting my shoulder hard as hell. "That's enough of that." I said moving away from him. "Well it's not like she'll fall for you in a instant." I said walking up to my room. "She'll fall for me in a blink of an eye they always do." Gojo shouted as I shook my head.

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