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Megumi was working on the pancakes while Nobara and Yuji were working on cutting up some fruit for one of the sides to our breakfast

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Megumi was working on the pancakes while Nobara and Yuji were working on cutting up some fruit for one of the sides to our breakfast. Nobara threw a freshly cut strawberry into the air expecting Yuji to catch it with his mouth. He caught it as they both cheered, Megumi just shook his head at his friends antics and went back to flipping the pancake.

I tried to help with the bacon and stuff, they said they'll cook since I did all the shopping, I didn't mind cooking I actually enjoyed it. But they ended up shooing me away into the living room. Leaving me now alone to watch TV or something of the sort.

I grabbed my laptop to check all of my bills. "Fuck... They keep raising the price on rent. I need a new car, before the one I have now breaks down on me. On top of that I need to pay off that loan. Life is something." I said whispering.

"AUNTIE THE FOOD IS DONE!!" I heard Yuji and Nobara shout from the kitchen in sync. "Okay I'll be right there!" I said shutting my computer heading to the kitchen looking st all the delicious food. "This looks good. Thanks guys." I said to them as we started to fill our plates up and eat.

We all finished our food as Yuji and Nobara complained about how full their stomachs are. "Well maybe you shouldn't have ate that much." Megumi said sitting the dishes down in the sink getting ready to wash them before I stopped him.

"Don't I gotta plus it's my job." I said smiling at him as he smiled back and nodded, heading back to his chaotic friends. Before I started cleaning, the group of three mentioned that the were going to the movies as I nodded putting my airpods in beginning my cleaning.

As I was cleaning I began thinking of how I was bring in all this money. It was silly of me to think I could just pay of everything off just by cleaning. This job pays pretty good just for cleaning and babysitting dogs, but it wasn't enough so I knew I have to get another job that was Tuesday through Saturday. I continued my cleaning think about what jobs could be a good fit for me.

After I finshed cleaning the whole house fed the dogs before taking them on a walk. I put the harness on both of them before attaching the leash to them. I walked out the door locking it with the spare key the Satoru gave me. I began to walk down the street seeing their was nice stores, parks that were filled with children and dogs.

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