chapter 2

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Don't let people dictate your life for you; you are the author of your life.

Victoria went to the doctor's appointment the next day. When it was her turn to see the doctor, she walked in slowly and sat down. " Good morning, doctor philip". The doctor looked at her and saw that she was restless and there were bags under her eyes. " Morning, Victoria. I can see that you're not eager for the check up today. You can reschedule the check up if you want.  The doctor could feel her pain and gave her a small smile to encourage her. He knew that she can be treated but the hospital did not have that kind of facility. So he gave her some minutes to collect her self before the test begins.

Few hours later, Victoria was sitting in a cafe close to her office. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't see her best friend sit beside her and was looking at her. Amelia touched her arm and she paid no attention to her. " Babes what did the doctor say?"  Victoria broke into tears and thought what do I live for if I can't have my own child, my flesh and blood, if I can't carry my husband's sperm, if I can't experience the joy of being a mother, nursing my own child, seeing him or her taking the first baby step, teething, saying their first word. She looked at Amelia with her teary eyes and excused herself. She went to the restroom to clean herself up.

Meanwhile, Amelia sat in the cafe while waiting for Victoria, she thought about how Victoria health has been deteriorating, how she has been abused severally by her cheating husband but she didn't notice, how the numbness seeps through her skin,  how she's no longer the Victoria she knew. She knew that her husband is too busy to notice this because she has seen him countless times taking a girl on a date while his wife is going through a lot and is in pain. Victoria came out of the restroom and ordered a cup of coffee with a little sugar. " I have a very slim chance of carrying my own child". Amelia sucked her breath and looked at her . "I don't know why bad things happened to good people". She was crying before she could finish her sentence and Victoria started crying again.

"I want some ice cream let's go and get some". Amelia wanted to cheer Victoria up. After work ,the went to Porto Rico ice cream parlor to buy ice cream. "Which flavor do u want Victoria". Victoria looked and Amelia and told her to buy any flavor. "I'm going to find us a table".

Victoria found a table near the window and decided to sit there. " Excuse me mi'lady , how can a beautiful lady like you be crying. Victoria looked up and saw a handsome man dressed in a well tailored suit and polished shoe with his wristwatch shining, she didn't even notice that she was crying. " Why do u care"? The man looked at her like she was the only person in the parlor.
"Because I don't like when a woman cries. Sometimes when my younger sister cries, I'll be clueless and I'll look lost. Then she'll say, if you're wife cries and you look clueless, she'll start laughing". Victoria started laughing and looked at him. " We'll you're sister is right. You do look clueless". They laughed together and he stood up.  "We'll I bet to take my leave now".
"Wait, I don't know you're name." He looked at her amused and serious.  "Soon, mi amor" . Before she could reply he left.

Amelia returned to their table and gave her the ice cream. " Who was that man?"  Victoria looked confused. " I don't know " .

" Well we have to start going, it's getting late"

"Yes ma". Victoria saluted

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The picture is for Amelia

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