chapter 5

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There are some things that you have gone or passed through which cannot change you back to the person you were before.

Aris decided to go home after disappearing for one week.  Victoria was happy to see him and he was happy to see her too.

" Babe, you're back. I missed you, where have you been young man. You better start talking before I lose my anger".

Aris looked amused, guilty and serious at the same time. " Victoria I'm sorry about what happened. I didn't mean to say that, I was angry and sad that's why I said those hurtful words to you. Please forgive me, I promise to do better and be a better husband to you".

Victoria couldn't read him because he showed no emotion or feeling.
"It's okay, I forgive you. Well I'm going to the cinema with Amelia, I'll be back by 12am".

She left and Aris was shocked. He thought that he would see her crying her eyeballs out or she would be angry but she acted like she don't care about him. He called Khloe and told her everything but she hanged up on him because she was angry .

Victoria and Amelia went to the cinema to watch a movie. She told her what happened in the house. They went to buy some popcorn and milkshake for the cinema

"So babe, you're telling me that he suddenly showed up after disappearing for one week and after he returned he just apologized".

" Yes and I forgave him".

Amelia chuckled, " You've got to be kidding me. Just like that. Babe you better open your eyes, I'm trying to help you, change you back to the Victoria I know".

Victoria looked down and swallowed her tears "You can't change me Amelia. Things have happened to me and i can't go back to who I was before. As you said I don't know why bad things happen to me but they happen for a reason . So we have come to the end of our sad moment, we better take a seat before we sit at the back".

After the movie, they decided to go to a fancy restaurant to eat dinner. They sat at a table beside the window to get a better view of the restaurant. Amelia called the waiter to take their orders while Victoria was flipping through the menu to select a cheaper food

"Victoria come on, you've got to stop doing this".

"Doing what". Victoria looked up at her looking perplexed

" Stop looking for a cheaper dish. Besides I've already ordered and it's my treat".

"You can't be serious. You know that this is an expensive restaurant and I can't afford most dishes here. They're like half of my monthly payment".

"Excuse me ma'am's,  anything you order is free, it's on the house. So would you like to change your order?"

"No thank you. We'll stick with what we ordered". Amelia replied quickly before Victoria will change her order.

They ate and left after complementing the cook for a wonderful dish. Amelia dropped Victoria in her house

" Babe, if things are getting worse for you in this house , you can come and stay with me okay?"

"Okay, I promise. See you tomorrow.
And before I forget are u going to pick me up tomorrow or should I come in my own car?"

" Don't worry, I'll pick you up tomorrow. Love you".

" Love you too". They hugged each other and Amelia waited for her to get inside before driving off.

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