chapter 9

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Victoria went inside and saw Aris sitting on the stool with a glass of  white wine in his hand. She went to hug him "Good evening babe. How was your day"

"Who was that man that dropped you off" he looked up at her

"He's just a friend and he's one of our clients"

" Oh! He's one of your clients"

" Yes"

He dropped the glass on the bar stand and went to stand beside her "so tell me, since when did you start making your clients your friend or is there something you are not telling me"

" I'm not hiding anything from you. Besides, I've met him before he became one of our shareholders in an ice cream parlor last week"

"And you did not tell me?" He said in an angry tone

" How will I tell you when you don't listen to me. All u do is we fight, you make dinner and we make love. This has been our pattern for the past two months."

He looked down in shame " I'm sorry"

" I'm going to arrange this things that I  bought". She carried her shopping bags upstairs to their room. When she settled down, she started unpacking the clothes.

The first shopping bag she opened, she arranged the clothes. When she opened the second bag,she saw those expensive clothes that she couldn't buy because of the price.

She was surprised and confused at the same time. She opened her purse and brought out her phone to call Amelia.

"Hello, Amelia"

"Miss me already? " She said in a cheerful tone

"Umm... No. I just called to know whether  by chance u forgot any of your bags or you bought some clothes for me like you always do". She rolled her eyes

"No, I did not ".

"Oh ok. See you soon"

" Yeah see you later. Love you" then she hanged up.

Victoria racked her brain to find out who bought the clothes for her. She was looking at the dress when realization hit her.

She remembered that Aris gave her a gift. Not just a gift but an expensive wristwatch which can feed her for a year. She thought of James and knew he was the one that bought the clothes for her since Amelia said that she was not the one.

Moreover, the three of them went shopping together so if it was not Amelia, then it would be James. She opened the rest of the bags and saw that he did buy all those dresses that she liked but couldn't afford, he also bought some shoes that she did not see.

She brought out the watch he gave her and admired it. It was like the first time someone apart from Amelia gave her a gift and an expensive gift. She was happy that she has started making new friends again.

She wanted to call him but she realized that she did not have his number. She opened her purse and saw the card that he gave her and she called the number there .

"Hello, this is James royal speaking, how may I help you?"

She chuckled " Hi, James this is Victoria speaking"

"Oh! Sorry I didn't know that you were the one".

"It's fine. No need to apologize".

" I'm surprised that you called me. Did I do anything wrong or is there any problem?"

"No, nothing. I called to say thank you also this things are too much"

"What's too much" he said acting innocent and oblivious

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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