The Bathroom Stall - Stone and Iris

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He looked at the door of the club every five seconds. Jeff was talking about some new band he had listened to with Bruce, one of their ex-band mates and friend, but his mind was elsewhere. He had never spent so much time deciding what to wear to go out at night. His bed was left a mess with a pile of clothing over it for he couldn't decide what to put on. Finally, he decided for his baggy blue jeans and a plain black shirt with his flowery jacket over it for nights were starting to get colder in Seattle. On his feet his pair of boots that she had commented about the night they met at Jeff's party. To him it was a simple pair of boots that he never paid much attention to. Fashion was not his forte, but she kept bragging about what he was wearing on his feet so, he was going to wear it again that night.

"Do you want another beer?" Jeff suddenly yelled in his ear for the music was too loud at that point. Stone turned his head to look at him and he looked a bit startled which caused Jeff to frown. "What the fuck is wrong with you tonight?" He asked.

"Nothing!" Stone shrugged. "What do you mean? Nothing is wrong... I'm having a blast..." He kept babbling and the more he did the more Jeff's left eyebrow curled. Stone frowned. "Oh, fuck you. I have nothing to say."

"Hey!" Jeff raised both hands in the air. "Whatever is going on is getting on your nerves."

"Buy that fucking beer and shut the fuck up. You are getting on my nerves." Stone rolled his eyes, grabbed the bottle of beer that was resting on the counter and took the last sip of it. "Come on..." He tapped the bottle on the counter. "It's your time to pay for this round."

Jeff smiled and turned to the bartender while he turned his head to the door again. The tip of his fingers playing with the ponytail on the top of his head. Half ponytail, for the rest of his hair was falling loose. He had even put on a few sprinkles of his father's Armani cologne. He never wore cologne. It was an old man's thing, he always thought. That night, he sneaked into his parents bedroom and put some on though. He remembered how good she smelled the other night. A few drops of cologne would never kill anyone except his friends caught up the scent in the air and gave him hell for it. He told them to fuck off. He always did when he didn't know what to say.

"Here." Jeff said, holding a beer in front of his eyes.

"Thanks." Stone grabbed it and took the bottle to his lips and when he was having a bit of it, he saw her coming in.

His heart started racing and his breathing turned erratic. Stone pulled the bottle away from his glistening wet lips and sunk in the image of her coming in. She was dressed in a leather short red skirt and a tight lace black blouse. Her hair caught up at the top of her head but braided. The tip of her braid reached her waist. Her hair was incredibly long. Her lips glistening with the lip gloss she had put on. The blue of her eyes standing out as the lights hit her face. He could even notice the light freckles she had around her nose. He knew all those details about her just from seeing her once. As he inhaled, he could swear he could already feel her CK perfume. Iris smiled at him first thing as she set eyes on him, and though he wanted her to greet him first, she greeted Jeff and then Bruce and just after she approached him.

"Hi!" She smiled standing in front of him. "How have you been the whole week?"

Stone smiled back and in his mind his answer was a totally different thing from what he was about to tell her. He had spent the entire week thinking about her.

"It was good and yours? How's the new job treating you?" He asked, for she had told him she had come to Seattle to start a new job.

"Hard and strange. It's a lot to adapt. I'm in a new city, in a new job..." Iris smiled again, looking deeply in his huge greenish glare that accelerated her pulse just like the other night.

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