11. The Date - Brenda and Jerry

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When she reached the lobby of her building, her heart skipped a long beat as she set her eyes on him. He was moving his legs with his hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans. For a few seconds, she stopped in the dark not to be seen just to take a better look at him. She could bet the jeans he was wearing was a new pair which caused her to smile. On his feet, a pair of black sneakers and a black leather jacket closed. His blonde hair undulating in the hair as the wind blew softly but coldly. It was freezing that night. Brenda took a deep breath and turned the light on and closed the zipper of her black coat. When he heard the clink of the door opening, he looked up and immediately smiled at her.

"Hi." He greeted her with his half shy half sassy smile. She felt her knees getting weak.

He was a stranger. She had seen him twice, ended up in bed with him twice and agreed to go on a date with him barely knowing anything about him. The pull she felt for him was nothing like she felt before. He looked like trouble. Everything she knew about him was trouble and yet, there she was...

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Brenda said first. "Ellie was on the phone..." Jerry rolled his eyes which made her laugh.

"Talking about me?" A beautiful smile appeared on his lips.

"NO!" Her voice high pitchy though.

"Right." Jerry nodded, again with that irresistible smile of his.

"So, where are you taking me for dinner?" She asked while rolling her scarf around her neck and pulling the hoodie of her coat over her head. It was colder than she expected.

"I heard you like Italian and especially a restaurant right down the street." He pointed.

"Ellie loves to talk." It was her time to giggle.

"Well... I didn't want to take you to somewhere you didn't like." He claimed.

"Fair enough." Brenda smiled at him, feeling her heart skipping beat after beat since she was in front of him.

"Let's go?" Brenda nodded and they started descending the street, side by side.

First, they didn't share a word. Jerry had his moments of being quiet. Ellie told her his story though and she knew he had been severely depressed due to the loss of his grandmother and mother in a short period of time. She knew now why he had sadness mirrored in his stare sometimes. But the moment her mind is going over the things she knows about him, she felt his fingers touching hers, lightly at first, and then wrapping around hers. She didn't know what that mean, but she also didn't want to pull away. Jerry captivated her, imprisoned her. When she decided to accept his gesture and closed her fingers around his too, their hands united.

"I didn't think you were the type of walking hand in hand..." She decided to tease him for the silence was killing her.

"I think you are mistaking me for the wrong type of guy." He said quietly, looking at her. "After all, I asked you out on a date."

"Well..." Brenda nodded. "I have to give you that."

"I might not be parents material though." Brenda turned her face so fast to look at him with goggled eyes that he burst into laughter not containing himself. "The look on your face..." He gasped.

"You're so..." Brenda clenched her jaw and started tapping him. "You can be infuriating." She claimed while meanwhile she chased him down the street as he was trying to escape her pretending fury.

"You should see your face, dimples." He stopped running away and waited for her.

"You scared me for a moment." She shrugged and crossed her arms around her chest. He loved her sassy semblance.

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