Chapter 2: First meeting

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For the next couple days I continued to go back to that shop, and each time I would come across the same guy, we had actually become pretty great friends, well inside the shop, I had yet to talk to him outside of it.

From what I had collected about Tim I had learned about 3 brothers and a pretty stern father. He said most were adopted but the youngest was his father's legitimate son. Tim, after learning that I was new to the city and well common knowledge in general, told me that he actually belonged to a well known family and that's why he wore the glasses inside. Actually that was all I really knew about my coffee friend but for some weird reason it felt like I knew him for a while.

I focused back in to my surroundings as I had to cross a street. After finding it fit to go across I started to walk. It was currently dark out meaning I had to get home to sleep. I readied myself for a turn but I never got that far as I felt hands on my face and another set of arms wrap around my waist and drag me into the alley beside me.

I would have let out a yell but the hand muffled any sound that I made. I was gonna try and run but I felt a weapon get pressed against my back. My instincts kicked in and I stopped any movements and put my hands on the back of my head.

"Good girl, now stay calm and tell us where your money is before we gotta ruin your pretty skin" I had to stop myself from killing them right then and there. I took in a deep breath preparing myself for what I was about to do.

The man slowly released my mouth and I felt the knife get pressed onto the skin of my back. "Help! I'm here!" I yelled out, if anyone could come that would be great but I could handle myself. This was only for an alibi for when the cops found these men the next morning.

I vapor traveled out of the grip of my attacker and landed a couple feet away. This surprised them as they let out various grunts and ran at me. I managed to count about 3 of them as they rushed me. When they arrived I punched one in the gut before dodging a strike to my head from another.

The vapor traveling was still really new to me and sometimes I'd even pass out but I got lucky this time.I extended my leg out as I dropped to the floor, managing to kick out two of the men's legs from underneath them. One of the men was about to hit me over the head but some strange red and black figure held his arm before pulling him back and starting to fight the third guy on his own. I took this chance, not lingering too long on who my aid may be, to get up and kick one of the men in the stomach while they were still down. The man skid about a foot away before sliding to a stop.

The other pushed himself off the ground and tried to punch me but it was sloppy and he was obviously reaching for straws. I quickly dodged and grabbed his forearm before spinning it around therefore pining his arm behind his back. With my other arm I elbowed him in the neck and he fell to the ground limp. I looked up just in time to see my helper get a gun pulled on him. In a split second decision I ran forwards and pushed him to the ground just as a shot rang out.

"Hey, thanks for the help!" I thanked before pushing myself off the costume clad guy beneath me. I stood up and before the guy could reload his gun I slapped it out of his hand and clocked him in the face. I heard a sickening crunch as the guy fell backwards.

"Okay, maybe a bit to hard but you shouldn't have messed with me to begin with." I looked back to see a surprised vigilante laying on the ground. He hadn't moved from the position I left him in. "Hey sorry about that. I didn't want my helper getting shot in the head." I walked over and extended a hand out to him.

After a second of looking between my hand and my face he took my hand and I hoisted him up.

"You okay ma'am?" He asked, he sounded very concerned.

"Yeah, just a scratch on my arm, nothing a bandaid won't fix" I smiled and scratched the back of my neck.

The guy smiled at me, his face was barely illuminated by the street lights out near the exit of the alley.

"Can I do anything for you? You know maybe get you a coffee or cookie? In thanks of course" I asked, an eyebrow raised in question.

"Oh, no ma'am it's my job to help the citizens of Gotham, I don't need any compensation!" He waved his hands as if shrugging it off.

"Alright fine, but if we cross paths again expect some sort of treat. Anyways thanks!" I waved to him as I left the alley allowing for him to tie up the three men. I hurried back to my apartment this time making sure to avoid an alleys lest I need to call my friend back so soon.

I managed to get up to my room without getting jumped again luckily and when I arrived I quickly changed and laid in bed. I laid my hands over my eyes as I thought back to recent scuffle with danger.

I smiled as I thought back to the vigilante. I mean who was I to deny that he was kinda... no nope sleep. I'm tired. I need to sleep.

I pushed myself to the side as I forced my eyes shut. I slowly drifted off to sleep the warmth of my bed warding off any bad dreams that night.

1030 words

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