Chapter Three

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Damon's POV

It had been two days since the carriage ride back home from the Vicars Estate. My infuriation at the red head beauty slowly subsided because I had given myself a headache cursing things and her mostly. She was beautiful, so beautiful. The most beautiful woman or mere girl that I had ever set eyes upon. Her radiant red hair, tight jaw and those adorably plush pink lips that looked so soft and enticing.

She was frustrating to me. Why couldn't she see that this agreement will mutually benefit us both? It is true that all this time I have been an eligible bachelor. Although, I desired and never missed the chance at the warm pleasure of a woman's body or bed. Be that as it may, I was never enticed, never.

No one, not one single Lady I had courted stolen my heart or I theirs. After five well known courtships and how they all ended disastrously in scandal or the woman decided to marry another my courtship days slowly came to an end. It was never I, who was the one to be married to someone else in the end and for all that, I decided I would not put myself out there on the marriage market ever again.

Instead I lingered lowly behind the social paroxysm scenes of society casually finding my pleasure elsewhere in places that should not be spoken of if needed, but rarely, less than a handful of times a year.

God Damnit! I thought. Something surely must be wrong with me. It must be impossible for a woman to actually fall in love with me, maybe that's the cold hard and true facts of my tragic love life, that keeps playing on like a broken a chord. I searched my mind of anything that could make me so unworthy of love or at least something close to it. Suddenly, a knock at the door collapses my thoughts.

"My Lord, you have a letter." The house steward comes in my study a moment later.

"Yes, bring it here." I scoff and Mr. Beasley scurried over and I nearly hurled myself with laughter. The small little man was always so afraid of me and thought me to be some big bad wolf, well and if that were true then that surely will be the case, only if need be.

He held a silver tray trembling slightly. A crooked smile parted on his lips before I raised a stern brow at him taking the note and dismissing him off. There was no seal or even address and I unfolded the crinkled piece of paper.

My Lord,

I am terribly sorry and embarrassed at my words when we last spoke. Yes, indeed it is true I am just a young girl, however after giving things much thought...well, I guess you should know the rest in person.

Sincerely, Clara Copeman

The pounding in my head stopped a moment before briefly continuing. Without second thought I swiftly left the room climbed down the stairs and I didn't even tell the vallet to ready the carriage or foot man to fetch for my coat. I saw the looks on all their puzzled faces in shock and disbelief as I exited the giant chateau that was graciously given to me upon my late father, which one of the three properties I owned.

In the stables I met my fastest and bravest Stallion, Trigger. He was an all black beauty and as quick as the pulling of a trigger. We rode off into the night silently together. I undeniably took note to the weather starting to cool as I rode. The cold air ripped its way through my shirt feeling terrifyingly exhilarating making me curse myself for rushing out without a coat.

So many things played over in my mind, but only one had just. The red haired beauty. I rode and rode and rode until my sights set upon a little house like cottage. Still lit inside as if there were people inside still going on with their daily/nightly routines.

"There, boy." I kicked the reins narrowing my eyes as Trigger neighed and his hooves collapsed to the dirt road once more.

I arrived settling Trigger by tying him to a post nearby the vicarage and feeding him a reward I managed from dinner for all of his hard work.

"My Lord, what brings you the pleasure... at this time of night?" Mrs. Copeman says from the front door cautiously.

"Oh, yes. Please, forgive my intrusion." I stated plainly. The cold in the air slightly made my teeth chatter.

"Oh, there is none. You look quite cold. Please come in let us warm you some tea." She says with a soft smile inviting me into their home. She was right. I had been slightly cold and my hands were hard and freezing.

I eagerly stepped inside with Mrs. Copeman. She invited me into her family's small parlor were I awaited a cup of warm tea. She also generously gave me a blanket and apologized for her family's lack of spare coats, which I found to be no issue and thanked her for her kind gestures.

After taking a few sips of tea Mrs. Coleman took a seat across from me and placed her hands in her lap gently.

"So, what brings you here, my Lord?" Mrs. Coleman says with a hint of troubled anticipation.

"Well.." I started but then I thought I heard the sound of an angel's voice.

"Who's there mama?" Clara asks gracefully entering the room. Her pale blue eyes were beady with interest. I stood abruptly placing the blanket in a pile on the stool I was sitting upon. I tussled my hand through my hair abruptly.

"My Lord..." Clara gasps. Her eyes widened when they landed upon my own.

"As I was saying, I wish to have a moment your daughter, Miss Copeman." I say clearing my throat. My eyes darted back to Clara. Her fiery hair was pulled back in a braid, curls still folded on her temples and neck. Her skin was so pearl like porcelain and lips were parted slightly revealing her pearly white teeth underneath and then I instantly had bad thoughts about those teeth biting me in way that will make any man go crazy.

"Very well, I will allow you to have peace in the parlor. However, it is rather late. Please do not intend to linger." Mrs. Copeman said before giving her daughter a small smile and exiting the room leaving Clara and I finding ourselves alone for all but the second time since meeting.

"Lord Mannering, did you ride your horse all the way here?" Clara asks eyeing me wearily.

"I did." I say narrowing my gaze at her. "I've just received your letter. There is something I must hear in person is this true?"

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