Chapter Eleven

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(Clara's Bedroom)

Clara's POV

The next morning came my head slightly banged, the morning light was causing my eyes to throb, and my body lay still unmoving in the bed. I could barely sleep all night after what happened and I lie still, my legs too afraid to move or do anything in fear of the searing pain between them. I remember clearly being slightly intoxicated before everything that happened and my stomach burned angrily, but I just couldn't move.

Lord Mannering whispered things in my hair before kissing me on the temple before getting out of bed and leaving the room. I knew he was mortified. I don't recall what he said, but I clearly remember the sound of his voice. Softened. Worried, but I still couldn't bring myself to respond, move or get up, or do anything.

After a while I thought the entire house would leave me in this bed all alone the entire day until finally an older woman who sounded to be a servant around her forties entered the room abruptly.

"My Lady, we have to get you ready for your honeymoon, my Lord will be waiting." The woman suggested. I couldn't see her yet because I was still curled up in ball facing the wall.

"My Lady?" She asks curiously stepping over the threshold. The sudden clacks of her heels stopped when she reached my toes. I let out a long shaky breath. She pulls the covers back suddenly leaving me vulnerable and petrified.

"Please!" I say shakily trying to recover myself, but it was too late she had already seen the blood stained sheets. I was trembling as tears began to well up in my eyes.

"Oh, dear. Poor thing!" She gasped. I looked up to meet her concern stricken face and jittery brown eyes. "We should get you bathed."

"Please... Just leave me be..." I mutter to her as the taste of salty tears pricked my lips.

"No, I will not. Come with me I have something that may help you..." The woman said her eyes were sincere as she said it so I decided to trust her. I nodded my head slowly.

"Come this way, my Lady." She said leading me down the hall and a quick turn in the left we were left in a small room with cabinets and a bench with a small water closet off to the side, and placed in the center of the room sat the Molsey tub. I knew what it was, but I had never seen one. My family couldn't afford such things, but I was suddenly intrigued at being able to use such fine things despite my horrid night. Which made me wince even thinking about it.

The woman seemingly began to turn a knob and suddenly water began to erupt from a lower faucet. I watched as the water trickled down, urgently feeling the need to suddenly have it on my skin. I wanted to slip off my night dress, but then I realized the woman whom did not introduce herself was still standing beside me.

"Forgive me, my name is Miss Minnie Campbell. Lord Mannering has just employed me here all but a week ago for the position of a Lady's maid. However...upon my arrival there wasn't exactly a lady yet to attend..." The water continued to fill the tub as she talked in the background. "There now my Lady, it should be warm and ready. Go on have a try."

The woman now known as Miss Campbell encourages as I untie my night shift and swing one sore leg over wincing slight from the pain.

"Here let me help, my Lady." She says reaching for my arms to steady me and get me in the tub. She was quite right the water was exceptionally warm which instantly began to soothe my aching nerves.

"I've added some oils and extracted herbs for soothing..." Miss Campbell says as she begins to wash me. At first I was quite opposed especially after what has happened, but I began to find her small intricate circles to be delicate and comforting just in my time of need.

"Pardon me, my Lady..." Miss Campbell's grandmotherly voice broke the silence. "Was... My Lord...not gentle with you...?"

The question made my heart plummet and my eyes burn stingingly with hot fresh tears. I couldn't face her my chest began to heave in and out increasingly.

"I-I only ask my Lady... if you are hurt or...sore. I can bring something for you." Miss Campbell says clarifying what she had actually meant. I look to meet her earnest expression.

"My lord...was gentle... However-" A sudden flash black of the previous night of something I wasn't exactly sure about. "It's just... My Lord...he is quite..."

"You don't have to say it if you do not wish, my Lady." Miss Campbell reassured me.

"No...I don't really know much about these things..." I trailed off trying to find the right words. "Can a man...are men able to be...quite massive down there?" I finally ask embarrassingly. Miss Campbell's cheeks flush for a moment before she answers me.

"It is...quite possible, my Lady...You may feel pain for another day or so I have a balm you can apply between your legs and that should help you."

I gasped suddenly, and nod my head as she steadily holds out my robe for me to exit the bath.

"Now...come with me. I will help you get dressed and do something with that hair of yours, get you feeling like a proper Lady. We haven't much time as you know you and my Lord will be departing for your honeymoon in three days time. So we'll need to go into town and get you some new dresses made."

I just nod as Miss Campbell goes on explaining the days events. As she helped me back into my bedrooms, which I had never seen before. They were much more openly warm and inviting that Lord Mannering's. I shuddered of thought of the man. The last thing I ever wanted to do was go back to his bedrooms. Even though, I knew his touch had been somewhat gentle I promised myself I would never allow him to take me in that way ever again.

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