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originally published december 19, 2021

request: Hi! I saw your post abt winter-y requests and I had an idea for bucky, I was wondering if you'd be interested in writing something about Bucky and reader going to a Christmas party in readers hometown with all her friends and Bucky like looks around at everyone and their lives and he feels like he doesn't fit in // like he's not good enough for her? Idk why insecure bucky is in my mind rn. Feel free to change whatever you want and of course no pressure to write it! I love your blog and writing :) thanks for reading ily

pairing: bucky barnes x fem!reader

summary: bucky's nervous about meeting your family for the first time.

word count: 491

warnings?: angst with a happy ending, insecure bucky, feelings of not being good enough, not proofread

note: this was written between november 8-19, 2021.

It was the first Christmas you and Bucky would be going to your hometown

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It was the first Christmas you and Bucky would be going to your hometown. You had been dating for a couple years now, but you had only spent Christmas together in either one of your apartments, stuck in the city, never experiencing the good ole Christmases you were used to growing up. But after two years of dating, your family decided it was high time that you and Bucky spent Christmas with the whole family.

Bucky, though you knew he wouldn't say anything, was more nervous than you'd ever seen him before. You could tell from the moment you'd left for the airport, how he kept checking and rechecking the bags, trying to find some excuse to go back to the apartment and miss the flight. But any time you asked if he was okay, he'd insist that he was fine, that you didn't need to worry about him.

That only made you worry more.

"Bucky, seriously," you said, as you got in the rental car. "I'm not leaving this parking lot until you tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong," he said, but his eyes betrayed him. They were wide, but tired, swimming with some sort of emotion he couldn't quite process yet, much like how he looked when he'd wake up from a nightmare.

"Baby, please. I'm not going to judge you for...feeling whatever you're feeling. I want to help you, but I can't do that until you tell me what's got you all tore up."

He blinked, looking away. You were almost ready to ask again, but he sighed and said, "I'm scared."

"Of what, baby?"

"If your family, your friends, don't like me. If they think you can do better. Or, worse, your parents invite over your first love and you realize that, actually, you still love them and that you don't want me, and then you leave me to live out some Hallmark fantasy without me. And then I'll have to go to the city and pretend I didn't lose the best thing that ever happened to me while you're out living your happily ever after."

"...I really shouldn't have let you watch all those Hallmark movies before coming here, huh?" you said. He let out a quiet laugh. "Baby, trust me, you're my happily ever after. And I don't care if my friends and family don't like you. I'm the only one who has to like you, 'cause I'm the one who wants to spend the rest of my life with you. If they don't approve, screw them. If they invite my first love, screw them. You're the one who makes me happy. And I'm not going to just throw that all away."


"I promise."

"Okay. I-I think I'm ready to meet your family."

"Good. 'Cause they're gonna love you."

"Your love is the only love I need."

"See, if you keep saying cute shit like that, they're bound to think you're the best!"

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