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originally published december 16, 2021

request: Enemies to friends/lovers (your choice). Ransom and reader hate each other but they get trapped in a house together during winter cause of the snow blocking them in? Idk where to go with this but I just need a ransom fic please?!

pairing: ransom drysdale x fem!reader

summary: you and ransom are stuck.

word count: 514

warnings?: enemies to friends maybe? i'm not sure how to classify this lmao, not proofread

note: this was written between november 8-17, 2021.

"This is all your fault," you hissed, looking out the window as the snow continued to fall

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"This is all your fault," you hissed, looking out the window as the snow continued to fall.

"Damn, I didn't realize I could control the fucking weather," Ransom said with a dramatic roll of the eyes.

"Not the weather, dipshit! But it was your bright fucking idea to bring us down here in the first place!" You tugged the curtains shut then turned to face him. "Why did you even invite me here in the first place?"

He shrugged, looking the other way.

"Oh, don't do this shit. Just tell me!" you said. "You said that all of our friends were going to be here, and you know that's the only reason I came. But the second I get here, you tell me everyone's cancelled? It's fucking bullshit, and I deserve to know why you didn't call to let me know there was no reason for me to come!"

"I wanted to ask you out."

That didn't sound right. No, no. The Ransom you knew wouldn't say something like that. He was definitely pulling your leg, trying to get a reaction out of you.

"Excuse me?"

"I fucking like you, Y/N!" he said, waving his hand around with a dramatic flair. "The only reason I pretended I didn't was 'cause you decided the moment you met me that I was the scum of the fucking Earth!"

"You're a fucking Thrombey, Ransom, how else was I supposed to look at you?" you asked. "Your entire family is a bag of dicks who think they can walk over anyone they want to get whatever they want! I wasn't about to let myself get treated like shit!"

"You didn't even give me the chance to prove you otherwise! 'Cause I would never...Look, I like you. And I don't want to pretend that I don't. I'm sorry that I invited you out here, that I tricked you, that I was rude back to you, that...we're stuck here. I can't change any of that. But I can be different, moving forward. I want to be different."


"I am."

Huh, you didn't think that word was in his vocabulary.

"Oh." You looked away. "I...I guess we can try to be friends?" You looked back at the window, shuddering as the wind whipped against the side of the cabin. "We don't have anything else to do, I mean..."

Ransom smiled for a fraction of a second. "By the time we get outta here, I promise you, you're gonna actually be able to tolerate me."

"Or else I'd have died from excessive exposure to you, whichever happens first," you teased.

"Hey, I wouldn't say I'm that bad!"

"You clearly haven't met yourself."

"Neither have you. Let's have a do-over." He crossed the room, held his hand out to you. "Hi, my name's Ransom. What brings you up to my cabin?"

"Y/N," you said, shaking his head. "Some dick invited me up here so I'd get stuck with the loser who owned the cabin."


"What? You didn't say I had to play nice," you laughed. 

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