Both Sides [3]

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•Gon's POV•

Thursday, 9:16pm

It's been two days since then, since the meeting. Leorio and Kurapika were over.
They're my two closest friends. They're some of my only friends actually, and they're the only ones who know about my problems and fake relationship with Neon. I met Leorio at an acting job. He played one of my supporting roles. As for Kurapika, he's my makeup artist. We ended up talking during one of my sessions, and after that we became really close!

We were all in my hotel room. Kurapika and Leorio took the sofa while I settled for sitting on the floor.

Kurapika was the fortunate one with the t.v remote. He flipped through each channel, checking for something entertaining for all of us to watch.

He passed through at least 50 channels before he finally landed on something good.

His face was full of mischief, as he put the remote down.

The whole screen was filled with Leorio's face. Kurapika just so happened to find a channel with one of the movies Leorio was the lead actor in.

It was a 'romantic' scene.

"My love.. what could I do without you..?" The female actress said.
"Who knows.. but I do know one thing we could do together.." Leorio's character replied.

Kurapika and I were in a laughing fit.

"That's the cringiest shit I've ever heard!" I wipe some of the tears that were forming at the corners of my eyes.

"Shut up! Both of you! God, for fucks sake, take this off!" The actor was red, steam practically coming out of his ears.

The two characters were making out on screen, and Leorio was trying his hardest to pry the remote out of Kurapika's hands.

I decided to stay out of their little quarrel, and only laughed in the backround of the scene.

Suddenly, the loud sound of Spider-man's theme song could be heard. No, not the "spiderman, spiderman, does whatever a spider can," the actual one from the movies.

Kurapika and Leorio both paused what they were doing and looked at me.

I stared back at them confused. Then I realized
'Oh shit, that's coming from me..'

I nervously laughed as I took out my ringing phone from out of my pocket.

In the back, Leorio took this opportunity where Kurapika was distracted to snatch the remote from him.
"Hey!" Kurapika pounced on him and tackled him to the ground.

I sighed and looked at my phone. On the screen was a number I had never seen before. I swiped the answer button and brought the device up to my ear. "Hello..?"

A familiar voice was heard on the other end of the line.
"Freecss, is this you? It's me, Killua"

"Killua?? Wow I didn't think you'd actually contact me back!"
A scoff was heard from the other side.
"Of course I'd contact you back. There's no way I'm risking my job just for this small little obstacle."
I smiled. "Does this mean we're on for our meet up? And I get to know you a bit more??" I couldn't hide the eagerness that was evident in my voice.
"Yes Gon, that's what it means. Uhm... is there any day you're free?"

I nod my head even though Killua couldn't see me. "Yeah! I'm free this Saturday."

"Saturday? Okay I can do that. Where do you want to meet?"

"Uh.." I pause for a second, thinking. "Oh! I'll find a restaurant where we can talk! Does that sound good?"

"Yeah.. yeah that sounds good. Just make to send me the address once you decide on the place. Okay Gon?"

"Mhm.. Okay, Killua.. well, I'll see you Saturday. I'll send you all the details before then."

"Alright.. see you. Goodbye"

"Bye.." and with that, a beep was heard, concluding the call.

I'd noticed there was no more violent grunting noises coming from my two friends. When I looked back at both of them, Kurapika and Leorio were smirking at me.

"Who was that~?" Leorio cooed.

"One of my business partners..?"

"Right right.. I've never seen you get so smiley over a business meeting before~" Kurapika joined in.

"O..kaaaay? What's your guy's point?" I asked, confused about what my two friends were on about.

"Is it possible.." Leorio started,
"That you've taken an interest to this so called business partner of yours?" The blonde finished off the sentence.

My eyes widened.
"Ok first of all, knock that off! The way you two finish off each other's sentences creeps me out! It's like you're those creepy twins that always show up in horror movies! And second of all, no. You two know I'm with Neon.. I can't pursue a relationship.. even if I did like him, which I don't because I literally met this guy two fucking days ago, I can't get with him."

I finished with a sigh, looking down at my lap. It was quiet for a solid thirty seconds. When I finally looked up, the two looked shocked. "What..?" I questioned.

Then I got it. I immediately panicked. 'Shit shit shit! I'm not out to them yet!'

"You.. even if you did like him.." Kurapika's voice trailed off.

"YOU'RE INTO GUYS?!" They yelled simultaneously.

Meanwhile, with Killua

I had just gotten off the phone with Gon. I was planning to just go to sleep after that, but Illumi barged in as he always does.

"Who was that?" He raised his brow at me, to which I only rolled my eyes. "Who was who?"
"Don't play dumb with me, Kil. Who was the person you were just on the phone with?"

"Ohh him. He's my client," I pulled my phone out and scrolled through Instagram boredly.
I knew where this was going.

"Your client? Didn't sound much like a client to me. Tell me Kil, which 'client' were you speaking to?" He imitated quotation marks with his fingers as he said client.

"Freecss. That guy I had a meeting with two days ago." I exited out of Insta and went to YouTube instead.

"The actor? And why would you be on a call with him at almost ten o'clock at night?"

"Stop reading too much into this. He said he wanted to set up another meeting and I just so happened to remember at this time. Satisfied?"

"A meeting? At a restaurant? To get to know each other better?"

I click on some random video on my feed. "Yes Illumi. It's not a big deal."

"Right. I'll believe you for now. But Kil, let me remind you of this one more time. You're to be a professional. If you aren't, then you can say goodbye to this client of yours. Goodnight little brother." He turns around and leaves without another word.

'What a drag..'



"I..uhm.. yes?? Yeah?? I am.. uh.. I hope that doesn't bother you.." I raised my hands and waved them defensively, avoiding any sort of eye contact.
"Bother us? Why would that bother us? You do know we're both queer as well right?" The blonde spoke up.

"What- really??"

They both nod. "I'm bi" Leorio said, "and I'm gay" Kurapika finished.

"I uh.. I'm omni! With a huge preference for guys.." It was the first time I'd came out to anyone, well, other than my aunt.

"That's cool" kurapika smiled.

My Muse | Gonkillu/KilluGonWhere stories live. Discover now