Stressed [20]

708 21 10

With Killua.

The drive to the Zoldyck estate was quiet. No words were exchanged throughout, but I could see Gotoh glance at me through the rearview mirror at times. I couldn't read his expression. Was it sympathy? Sadness?

Whatever it was, I didn't like it one bit. I didn't like any of it one bit. I shouldn't be here in this shitty car with this shitty butler heading to an even shittier mansion. Yet I couldn't bring myself to leave.

For Gon.

Eventually the ride ended. I didn't even both waiting for Gotoh to open my door.

I storm out, already knowing exactly where I wanted to go.

Illumi's quarters.

I stand in front the large doors that were way too decorative than they needed to be.

I push them open, and to no surprise, Illumi sat upright on his bed typing away on his phone. It took a second for his head to turn in my direction. He showed no reaction, per usual. "Killua, you're back." He feigned a tone of surprise, but really it sounded just as monotonous as ever.

It made me scoff. "Don't act surprised. You knew I'd come."

Illumi's lips upturned into an unnerving smile. "You're right. Though I didn't expect you to come so soon. That fag of yours has really got you wrapped around his finger hasn't he?" Just as he's said the slur, he waves his phone in the air.

That catches my attention. "What did you do?" I say through gritted teeth. Surely he'd have ended this whole situation like he said, right?


I couldn't have been any more wrong.

I grab his phone from his hands. Sure enough, he had Gon's contact pulled up with some freshly sent messages.

"Wise decision in setting my brother free. The trial will no longer be held publicly, but a trial will be held nonetheless. I suggest you don't spend all your money fancy lawyers because I can assure they will be of no help to you." The text read.

Illumi grabs the phone from my hold. "Don't crease your brows like that, Killu. You'll get wrinkles."

I disregard the comment. I had other reasons to be upset. "You said you'd cancel the trial. You lied."

"I had to. You really think father would let him go with no consequences? You know that's not the Zoldyck way." He shakes his head as he gets up from his bed. "We're just trying to protect the company, Killua, remember that. Don't mess up everything we've worked so hard for."

With a flip of his overly long hair, he exited the room.

Leaving me to seethe in silence.


Third person POV, with Gon.

Ever since he'd received the text, he's been a panicked wreck. That was enough to stress his mind. But what was even worse? Killua was on his mind. He'd been staring at his phone all day, checking every second to see if maybe, just maybe, he'd gotten a text from his beloved.

But no such luck.

What did he expect?

He spent the day pacing around, mind plagued by both the lawsuit and his lover.

And he spend the next day worrying.

And the next day.

And the next..

Until it turned into a week.

A week Gon had been stressing over the situation. A week he hadn't gotten any form of communication from his lover. A week since he's eaten a proper meal and not just some depressing gelato. And a week since he's gone off of social media.

The fans were starting to get worried,

And so was somebody else..

My Muse | Gonkillu/KilluGonWhere stories live. Discover now