Visitor [18]

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I planned for this story to be three more long chapters until the end, but I'm breaking them up into shorter ones so there can be more updates for y'all 🫶

Also TW: use of slurs, homophobia, internalized homophobia (?)


With Gon.

The next morning had come. The couple was awakened by the beautiful sun shining through the window's curtains.

"Mm.." Killua shifted on the bed, turning to meet my eyes. "Morning Gon.." He spoke wispily, voice raspy from last night.

"Morning Killua.." I said tiredly yet happily. Waking up next to Killua was a nice feeling. I definitley wouldn't mind doing it more often.

The other smiled upon hearing my response. He moved closer to connect our lips for a mere second. I gladly returned the small gesture. "You seem happy," I grin once we broke apart.

"I am happy" he let out, nuzzling closer to my chest.

He'd definitley gotten a lot more.. affectionate after last night.

I didn't mind, of course.

"I'm glad.." I kiss the top of his head, relishing in his touch for another minute. I would've took in the feeling much longer had we not been interrupted by dreadful knocking coming from the front door.

I groan as I move to get up. "Who's here this early?" I ask myself.

Killua clings on, groaning a bit himself. "Can't you just leave them? Let's stay in bed a little longer.." he suggests.

It was a tempting offer. "Sorry amor, I can't. It could be my manager. But if it is I promise I'll be back in less than a minute. Alright?" I look down at him.

He sighs. "Fine.." he let's go, though he didn't seem too happy about it.

I grin at him. "Be right back." And with that, I left the room and made my way to the front door. I fully expected Bisky when I opened the door, but to my surprise, someone completely different stood in front of me.

A man who looked to be in his late twenties. Long black hair, tall build, and emotionless eyes that made me feel as if he could see right through me.

I couldn't help but shudder. "Can I help you..?"

The man's lips twisted into small, yet unsettling smile. "I'm so sorry to bother you, Mister Freecss. But I have reasons to believe my foolish younger brother is staying at your residence." He tries to make his tone sound pleasant, but the attempt just made him sound far from it.

Younger brother..


The puzzle pieces clicked together in my brain. This must've been Illumi, the sibling Killua had complained most to me about. The cold, manipulative Illumi. I didn't notice at first, considering he looked nothing like my precious Killua.

I put up an act. It's what I was best at after all. "I'm sorry? You must me mistaken. I live alone" I said with a tilt of my head.

"Gonn.. what's taking you so long? Who's at the door?" Killua called from inside. It couldn't have been any worse timing. What was even worse though? His voice was obviously strained..

Illumi's fake smile faltered.

Killua slipped next to me, but immediately stilled once he caught sight of his brother.

The situation was terrible.

I had been caught in a lie. Killua was wearing clothes that were obviously too big for him. The shirt slipped off of his shoulder slightly, revealing a dark mark that had been made the previous night.

Illumi's eyes flickered between us two, a look of anger and disgust clearly showing.

"I..Illumi-! It's not what you think.. We-" Killua croaked out. Though his hoarse voice was certainly not convincing.

"Killua." His brother's voice spoke coldly. "We're going home. Father will be most disappointed in you once he sees you."

Killua visibly shudders. "N..No. I'm not going back. You'll just stuff me back in my room."

Illumi sighed. A new emotion flashed in his eyes. Pity? "Oh my dear brother. It's not like you're imprisoned. You have all your electronics, all the food you want, everything. Why are you being so difficult?"

"He said he doesn't want to." I defend my lover.

His eyes snap over to me. He didn't show pity towards me, only resentment and disgust. "My brother can speak for himself." He says before turning back to Killua.

"I'm not going. Tell father he can offer all he wants, but I'm not going back with you." He speaks matter of factly.

Illumi frowns— or at least attempts to. It looked more like he was forcing his lips into a downturn.  "Kil, if you come home with me now, father might forgive you much quicker. If you just apologize for partaking in such shameful activities, your punishment may only last a couple of weeks."

Killua scoffed from beside me. "'Shameful activities?'"

"You know what I mean, Kil. Us Zoldycks wouldn't want a fag to taint our image. Just let this little phase of yours go." He speaks calmly.

Killua was the opposite of calm. His ears burned red from frustration. "I'm not going. Tell father that he won't have to worry about a 'fag' tainting the family business because I'm not going back. Oh wait- he does. Go fuck yourself Illumi, or maybe get that photographer 'friend' of yours to do it for you." He snapped, flipping his brother off and slamming the door shut with a huff.

"The nerve of the guy.." he turned to me. "I'm sorry, Gon. For getting you involved with my family. I knew they were crazy, but not crazy enough to stalk you. I just-" he sighs. "I'm sorry.."

I could tell he was upset, too frustrated to even get his feelings out coherently. I cupped his face. "Hey, don't be sorry. You couldn't have known. Plus, he's gone right? Everything will be fine." I kissed him.

He kissed back.


I was right.

Everything was fine..

For a couple of days.

Killua and I were holding each other comfortably in the movie room until my phone buzzed. I pulled it out.

"Who is it?" Killua peered over.

"I'm not sure.." the contact was an unknown number. I pressed the message.

"What.. the fuck?"

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