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Tuesday 11th June 1940

Dear Diary,

I’d say about a week has passed since boats came to rescue us at Dunkirk. When I say ‘us’, I don’t mean me. I, unfortunately, could not make it onto one of the ships. I like to believe that the ones that did get evacuated made it back safely and that the majority of them survived, that would be something good. If I were to guess, I would say there is about 40,000 soldiers like me who did not manage to make it off the beach. Only a few thousand of those will survive. When the beach was bombed before Operation Dynamo was completed, some were too wounded and were left behind. I doubt those with the injuries will survive any longer than they have. There has been a high rise in infections, and we have recently run out of necessary medical supplies. Luckily, I only got minor injuries so I go around and do what I can to help each day. Even with everyone searching, there hasn’t been much luck in finding anything. Everyone is on rations and some of the soldiers offered to give some of theirs to the injured ones in order to speed up their recovery. I gave up two out of five of my rations to help them. It may seem selfish, but I did it to feel like I helped. There's not much I can do trapped on a beach. Our main priorities currently are to nurse the wounded and search for more food and water

Wednesday 12th June

Dear Diary,

A few men died last night, about nine or ten. We buried them in the sand next to the others and all had a moment to remember them. When they first started dying, we would hold a small “ceremony” but there are too many casualties to do one each time now. On a more positive note, we are currently looking at a new way to obtain water. Upon searching the village, me and a few others found a crate of empty bottles. Some were completely smashed but others were only cracked. Someone had the idea to use them to collect rainwater and we all immediately got excited as we predicted a storm coming soon. What better time to get water then during a storm! Food supplies are deteriorating by the minute, but we cope. We used the discovery of water as a distraction from our malnourished states. I noticed that my facial features are much more prominent than before, and I am just generally skinnier. However, I'm still not as bad as some others so I must remember to be thankful for that. Some of the older soldiers decided that it would be best if we split up into groups. Some of us continue our searches for supplies and the others look for a way off the beach or whether they can get passed the Germans that are currently surrounding us. So far nothing major has been found but we haven't completely lost spirit yet so we will all continue to search.

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